Each year I pick a theme– a catch phrase, a point of focus, an area to grow in.
This year (2012) the theme is “GIVE THANKS”.
We have so much to be thankful for- yet often I focus on the negative…worries, things that aren’t going well, things that make me upset, things that are unfair, things that are not of eternal value. So, this year I am going to get better at focusing on the lavish blessings all around us and stop to give thanks…for salvation, for breath, for beauty, for provision (just to name a few)…
For a large extended family on both sides- lots of people to be loved by and to love.
For hope and that God can do anything!
Evidence: The miracle of life pictured above (our youngest nephew)
For reasons to celebrate! (Happy 2nd Birthday Reuben)
For circumstances, relationships, and trials that keep me on my knees; and keep me dependent on His strength, Word, and wisdom.
For the waiting, and trying to learn not to despise the journey but embrace it; and learning not to waver, but growing in grace; refined by hurt, grief, and discipline.
For learning to support our children’s interests, even when they are different than what I thought they might be (case in point, my daughter’s deep love for animals)!
For books, literacy, and those times when our kids really enjoy each others company.
For unexpected moments of mystery, beauty, and grace- reminders that point us to Creator, Master Artist of Life, Savior.
Colossians 2:6-7 “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.“