Don’t get the wrong idea when you read the poem at the end of this post…I don’t live like this all the time…I wish I did, I need to.
I don’t want to miss out. Life, what a gift; fragile and beautiful, difficult and daring.
Today, sunshine-head and I drove to deliver some hope and then we detoured to “the spot” at last. We walked in and picked out big sweet sticky doughnuts, five, one for each. We enjoyed them, no guilt, just digging in and gobbling them and smiling happy.
I could count what I do not have. I do not have 6 doughnuts. I don’t have the itty bitty doughnut that is so cute and fits just right in hand; but I do have 5.
5, one for each of us….for,
-the Man who faithfully stands by my side even in my unattractive shortcomings, hangups, and sins.
-the Darling daughter who is so much like me and challenges me and helps and blesses; she who
loves and feels deeply
-Sunshine-head who built the toy gun out of rhythm sticks, tape, and an empty toilet paper roll for
the scope; deliberate, determined, and growing (now with about a pound less of sunshine hair with
his new haircut)
-Youngest (for now) who is finding his own voice, who wants to be near, who lives full speed
ahead, and makes us laugh with wisely-timed humor.
Amidst our frustrations and selfishness, there is love. This love given as gift from True Love, seasoned with grace and bound by commitment. For these four I count, 4 gifts. Gifts with weight, and flesh, and life. I give thanks for 4 today.
My Heart Took a Picture
I caught a glimpse of life at present-
tender, fleeting, and wonder-filled.
I let my soul drink a treasured dose,
of joy and peace brimming with promise.
I captured sacred moments amidst the blur;
passing glories hedging in this season.
I breathed in the fragrant delicate scent- of fresh lives;
free and trusting.
I allowed my eyes to see the divine,
as He lovingly drew my heart closer.
I received this gift; a reflective pause-
a taste of life in an awakened state.
I experienced what is commonly overlooked,
as my heart took a picture.”
-KMR 11/23/10
Another great quote from “Our Daily Gift” devotional today, “(it is) good to greet each morning with songs of thanksgiving, for such praise makes us glad. It lifts us out of gloom and replaces our sadness with cheerful songs at the works of His hands” (David Roper).