In an effort to raise funds for our adoption, and fulfill a big dream of mine, I recorded my first CD, Echoes of My Heart, in September of 2011. The song, Waitin’ On Someday, that plays on this blog, is one of the songs from the CD. Another song on the CD is Castles and Rockets. I wrote this particular song from the perspective of a mother who has become an empty-nester and is reflecting back on her child-raising years.
I was blessed to be able to sing this song at a Mother’s Day Banquet at our church in May of 2011. My brother had recently moved into the group home at this time and I dedicated this performance to my mom, who after 30+ years was an empty-nester. I think it was a bittersweet time for her; glad to have Brian settled in his own place but feeling the emptiness that accompanied it.
God indeed knew what we all needed by blessing us with the life of my brother. We are all different and better people because of knowing and loving Brian.
Here is a video from that performance (please pause the song on the blog so you can hear this video).
Deep Breaths: Time is short. This reality shouldn’t make us live in fear, but should exhort us to live with purpose, and eternal perspective.
What is one thing that you can do today to be more present? One is one thing you will do, before the sun sets, to let those around you know you love and appreciate them.
Life is too short to hold grudges and stay offended (believe me I know firsthand and struggle with this). Choose today, to live for Someone besides yourself…and don’t rush through the hard parts; they somehow are the richest gift.
It has been such a JOY getting to "know" your brother! I have never known an adult with DS and only one child who is still just a baby, in spite of the fact that I advocate for orphans with special needs! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!