How many of you grew up listening to Psalty (the Singing Songbook)? On one of his recordings there is a song that says, “One step at a time, one step at a time- I’m climbing my mountain;
one step at a time.”
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Ice Wall at Camp |
I am reminded afresh today of the need to keep giving thanks….one step at a time. One blessing at a time. Always, ever- giving thanks.
I was really sick since Tuesday, January 22nd. I was in bed for three days and was in rough shape. Hubby was such “a gem” (the label my mom lovingly gave him), waiting on me, gathering food for us all, taking care of the kids and working too. God must have given him supernatural strength- I am so grateful.
I am still coughing some, but have returned to more “normal” life again.
Today I finally got outside to capture some of the wonderful winter wonderland surrounding us.
“Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as
snow…” -Isaiah 1:18
#4048 For this song- may it be our theme; our reality:
#4049 For second chances, for grace, for sweet reminders that He can do miracles still- He same- yesterday, today, forever. So glad!
#4050 For fresh fallen snow; while, clean, fresh- reminder of our sin covering that came at such great cost.
Thank you.