For those of you who read this post you more fully understand my excitement about taking pictures, at the airport, when Angela and her Hubby arrived there with their newly adopted daughter.
What a joy and honor to capture a few, okay, more like a hundred, photos of this moving event.
I wondering what was going on in that sweet little head of their daughter as she met her three siblings for the first time, and had a small group of doting strangers greet her with so much love and welcome. It was probably overwhelming and strange for her, but I hope that she felt the excitement and celebration that we all shared with this, her family.
I hope one day she looks back and sees the vivid love poured out here upon her arrival- to her new home, her “forever” home.
The following photo is one of my favorites in the bunch, for obvious reasons. Darling daughter snapped this as our #4’s met for the first time. What a hallowed moment for these two deeply-feeling Mamas. Strong One started gabbing at Li’l Miss Joy; my heart swelled. God intersected the paths of our families of five, and now families of six- sharing the struggles and joy, thus far, often together. How special to be right here; everyone exhausted but running on adrenaline and big doses of love- trying to take in the weight of this wonderful moment.
I was but a small part of this gathering, and I do not want to tell a story that is not really mine to tell- that is her Mama’s job and privilege. So, I will redirect you over to Angela’s blog, Praise and Fireworks, where you can read all about their story. You will be changed as you see God’s fingerprints all over the place.
Grab a cup of coffee and go immerse yourself in the miracle of this family’s journey to their new one.
Deep Breaths:
1. It takes a village…. what can you do today to help support a family that is adopting, or has adopted?
2. How has God uniquely and specifically called you to care for orphans and widows? I am being challenged with this myself. Let’s encourage each other to listen to what He is saying.
Thank you so much for being a part of a sacred family moment, taking pictures for those who are overwhelmed with emotions, and doing it with such kindness. You are certainly gifted with the ability to capture the pure joy of love's expression. The Spirit of God definitely inspires your finger to snap pictures at just the right moment.