It’s that time of year again! Time to link-up with The Nester for her 31 Days of Change writing challenge. Last year was my first time linking up, and I wrote, 31 Days With My Brother. It was hard to write everyday, for a whole month, but, it was a huge blessing also. This year I was planning to write about our journey with open adoption, but God had other plans.
Rewind a few years, okay, a lot of years, and I told God I would memorize Isaiah 40. I felt like He wanted me to do this and I also wanted to memorize more scripture. I started out quite committed and made it to about verse 12ish and then never finished.
A few verses come to mind regarding this, Ecclesiastes 5:4-5:
“When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfill it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it.”
In the back of my mind, I felt bad, and convicted about not fulfilling this vow. I honestly have tried to avoid it sometimes, pretending I didn’t vow- wishing I hadn’t sometimes too. But, enough excuses! I am a bit nervous, but I know it’s time to memorize the whole chapter and also to dig deeper, and encourage others to do so as well.
So, this year’s 31 Day Series is:
I am really excited and a bit scared too. I am afraid some of you will not want to join me because of my series choice- that you will be drawn to something “more exciting” or “not so challenging”. My prayer is that God’s Word, powerful, exciting, and never-changing, will draw you to Himself. Currently, I am studying Isaiah Part 2 through Precepts and have been blessed once again by digging into God’s Word. I encourage you to checkout Precepts; there are a great resource for discovering truth for yourself.
I want to thank Pam (for putting the challenge out there to blog about God’s Word) and Beth (for her example and hunger for memorizing God’s Word) as inspiration for this series. May we all be changed by discovering His character, as we dig in, one verse at a time. I know I definitely need the accountability!
Welcome- let’s feast!
I am ready to feast
I accept Your invitation
To eat of lasting peace
I first come before You in prayer
Asking for eyes to see
As I lay Your word in my lap
Knowing it can set me free
I taste of Your grace and truth
Your Spirit fills my soul
I drink of Your sweet Presence
In You I am made whole
I sit at Your table; feasting
Eating my daily bread
I am full of Your fresh hope
Thankful that I’ve been fed.
-Copyright 2011, Echoes of My Heart CD
Written for Mindy (Job 23:10-12)
Love the poem!
I LOVE THIS!!! I love studies on the character of God. That is a rich and deep topic and one I look forward to exploring with you this month.
I am participating as well on this 31 Day journey. This is my first time. I am righting on perspective, Godly perspective.
Blessings ~~ dawn