I recently attended the Women’s Retreat at camp and had a wonderful time as usual. It was a treat to see my previous Precept
bible study teachers there (Deborah and Sharon), hug them, and ask if
they would both like to write a blog post for this series; they said
“Yes!” Today, Sharon, is our guest contributor. The Word of God is
such a sweet treasure to this special woman, and her love for the Lord
and studying the Bible is contagious as you listen to her talk about
it. If you do not have a
hunger for the Bible, ask God to give it to you, and then partake of
His daily bread. Begin with prayer, asking God to give you His eyes to
see, His ears to understand, and a fertile heart for His Word to be
planted into.
Isaiah 40:12
“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and marked off the heavens by the span, and calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, and weighed the mountains in a balance and the hills in a pair of scales.”
Recently I had the privilege to go “home” for a vacation; somehow, wherever you grow up, will always be called home. I am what some call a “Yooper”, someone raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. My hometown is situated on beautiful Lake Superior on the western side of the State.
My parents bought a motel and restaurant when I was four years old and moved myself and my four siblings from Detroit to the “wilderness”.
I grew up with this majestic Lake as my backyard, spending many days swimming and many evenings around a camp fire looking up at the stars. I really enjoyed the times when the storms came through and the waves crashed on the shore. The wind literally howled and we couldn’t wait to go out and play “dodge the waves”.
One night while “home”, we enjoyed the coveted fire and star gazing time, and the Lake was calm with barely a ripple. It seemed that you could see all the way to Canada, which of course you couldn’t. I reveled in the vastness of this lake, which is the 2nd largest lake in the world and the largest fresh body of water in the world.
Upon returning home from vacation, I was reading and studying in the book of Isaiah, in particular chapter 40, which says, “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?”
I was awed by the bigness of my God. If all the waters of the earth can fit in the hollow of his hand, how big is He, really? I asked myself, “Do I truly trust in Him and believe it when He tells me that I am valued, loved, and cared for- as a lamb gathered in the arms of the shepherd; who carries me close to his heart? The answer for me was yes, a resounding yes!
One final thought that came to me as I read this verse… Creation is held in the palm of His hand, but, we are held close to his heart. Don’t ever doubt your value!
The next time you travel by the awesome Great Lakes, or look up at the sky on a starry night, or walk a dusty road, or pass by mountain peaks- take time to quiet your spirit and praise God that He is our awesome Creator and also Your Loving Father.
Deep Breaths:
1. Memorize Isaiah 40:12
2. He has measured the waters in the
hollow of His hand! Pause for a moment and picture that. Let the box
you may have God in, crumble down, as He is exalted to a more accurate
and prominent place in your mind and life.
3. In light of this verse and post, I am reminded of the song, “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty- there’s nothing my God cannot do!” Is there something that you think He can’t do? There is a difference between Him not doing something and not being able to do something. He can do anything! Do you believe that? Why or why not?