So thankful that we get to enjoy insights from Deborah today. I had the privilege of being in an Isaiah Part 1 Precept class that Deborah taught at her church. She is a knowledgeable woman with a kind, hospitable heart. Her home, which houses lovely American antiques, is pretty enough to be in Midwest Living. She delights in God’s Word and is diligent to study it and helps others to study and understand it also. I was glad that Deborah was more than willing to tackle verse 15 of Isaiah 40.
Isaiah 40:15 “Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are regarded as a speck of dust on the scales; Behold, He lifts up the islands like fine dust.”
When we look at this verse in context we see that God is reminding His people that He is Sovereign. There is no one like Him and no one who can do the things that He has done and is going to do. ALL the nations are as nothing before Him, not just nothing but less than nothing.
Throughout the book of Isaiah God continually tells His people not to fear man or the nations that come against them. We need not fear what we hear in the news or see on the television. Instead we need to look at what is happening in the world in light of the fact that God is Sovereign.
The nations do nothing unless God allows it. God knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). Even though it looks like chaos and feels like chaos and sounds like chaos, GOD IS IN CONTROL. If we know the one who sits on the throne and has control over the nations we can be at peace. God reigns supreme and is acting with a purpose. The nations are but pawns in His hands.
One of my favorite verses in Isaiah is 33:6 which says that God is the stability of our times. Let me repeat that, God is the stability of our times. It was true in Isaiah’s day and it is true now. How do I know that? Because Isaiah 40:8 also tells us that God’s word stands forever. God’s word will still be here when the nations are long gone-Oh how I love the book of Isaiah.
Deep Breaths:
1. Memorize Isaiah 40:15
2. What is your understanding of the Sovereignty of God? How is His rule a comfort to you in these current times?
3. Psalm 31 is a great way to end our time today. Take a few minutes to read it now and let it really sink in.
Psalm 31:14-15a “But I trust in you, LORD; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands…”