Welcome to Day #20 of the Isaiah 40 Series:
Isaiah 40:20 “He who is too impoverished for such an offering selects a tree that does not rot; he seeks out for himself a skillful craftsman to prepare an idol that will not totter.”
Totter. What a word. It means “to move or walk in an unsteady way… to become weak and likely to fall or collapse… to become unstable.” Aren’t you so glad that God is not unsteady, or weak? He will not fall or collapse and was not, is not, and will not become unstable. He will not totter.
As we saw yesterday, idols are not lasting gods. But, He is. Everlasting. How many times do we put our trust in something or someone who is prone to totter? Aren’t we all, in our humanness and frailty, prone to totter?
As we look at this verse a bit closer, it seems that those who were too poor for a valuable idol (like those made with gold and silver from verse 19) settled on an idol made of wood. Yet this impoverished one still sought out a skillful craftsman to prepare the idol. I am not sure exactly what this all means- but it seems that an investment is still being made; calculated measures seem to be going into this idol preparation.
How does this translate to us? Can we suppose that idol worship takes an investment? Of what you ask? Perhaps resources, money, and time? What are you investing in? Monetarily? Time wise?
Again, these things may not be bad; they may be very good- but, if they are exalted above the Lord- there lies the problem.
I am currently reading the book Kisses From Katie and it is stirring me up; in a good, uncomfortable, hard way. Through Katie’s testimony, I am being challenged to reevaluate how I spend my time and how I spend my money. I am being exhorted not to fear this tottering world; but to entrust, and keep entrusting myself to the faithful Creator who does not totter. As Deborah reminded us a few days ago, He is the stability of our times (Isaiah 33:6). He is secure and unchanging. Not my comforts, not my talents, not my blessings; but He.
Deep Breaths:
1. Memorize Isaiah 40:20
2. God-given passions are a good thing- but compromise and subtle, or not so subtle, tactics of the enemy can cause these passions to overshadow, and even overtake our love for Jesus… He, who should be our Passion. I am so speaking to myself here! Prayerfully read Revelation 2:1-7 and lay your heart before Him, to speak His love and live-giving truth over you.
3. What feels like it is tottering in your life? What feels out-of-control and unstable? Take it to God, the One who is Secure and does not totter!