It is He.
Are you getting the gist of this chapter? He, God, is in charge. This might make you uncomfortable or it might bring you great comfort. It depends on your relationship with God and how you view Him.
God is God. Often times our view of Him is skewed; not an accurate view of who He really is. At the Women’s Retreat I recently attended, Carrie, shared how Christ is our wrath absorber. She used a sponge to show how Jesus absorbs all the wrath that our sin deserves. In Christ we are clean before God. She also talked about how many of us view God as pointing His finger at us or mad at us. Often this is true of me.
I feel like I am constantly disappointing God and not measuring up; sinning again, and again. Do you feel that way?
As we see in Isaiah 40:23, God is in charge, He is the one who reduces rulers to nothing and makes the judges of the earth meaningless. He is in charge. He is above and sees all and understands it from His perspective.
How often do I think I have the whole perspective on an issue, only to make incorrect assumptions?
I recall a time when I was walking on camp and saw a line of trees that looked like they had been spray-painted black on part of their trunks. Some of the trees had recently been cut down or trimmed, so I assumed that this is what was going to happen to these as well. I did not understand why these, seemingly healthy beautiful trees were going to be cut down. As I got closer, my frustration grew… then my tirade stopped abruptly, as I saw what was really going on. The black spray paint was really just shadows on the trunks from the setting sun. I turned around to see a stunning sunset and I was silenced.
How often have I incorrectly assumed the worst? How often have I gotten worked up over something I was sure I understood? There is One who has proper perspective and insight ALL the time. And it is NOT me! Or you!
As I turned and saw the gorgeous sky, I was humbled. I had almost missed what God was doing, because I just saw the shadows and twisted them into something they were not. Do you ever do that?
When you are going through a trial, or there are hard times all around, do you quickly grow in anger through your assumptions and perceived understanding of the situation?
Aren’t you glad that Jesus is our wrath absorber? In our weakness, foolishness, and sin, we don’t have to experience God’s wrath because of what Jesus has done; it is finished. If you are in Christ, you can stand before the One in charge with peace and trust; knowing He sees you as clean.
We should fear Him (revere and respect, and be in awe of), but if we are in Christ we don’t have to be afraid because the God who loved us enough to give us everything, in Jesus, is in charge.
When I looked up what “in charge” means, I found it means “in control of someone or something” but also, “having the responsibility for someone or something.” We are in His charge; He is responsible for us. He has eternal and total perspective; you can, and should, trust Him.
Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”
Thank you God, for this peace, that passes all understanding, that we have as a precious gift- as we trust in You and believe that You are who You say You are. Thank You that You have everything under control- under Your charge. Forgive us for fighting You and wrestling for control in our lives. Although we do not always understand Your ways, we acknowledge that You have eternal perspective. You see it all and know what is best. We choose to trust you and Your character and rest in the fact that You are on the throne; above and within. Amen.