Welcome to Day #5 of the Psalms Series!
I am happy to introduce you to Sabra today. Besides having a beautiful name, Sabra has a beautiful spirit. She is encouraging, honest and her love for Jesus and His Word shines through in her writing and interactions.
Sabra Penley is a simple gal who adores the Lord Jesus, loves her husband, cherishes her two kids, and strives to live life fully…one day at a time. You’ll often find her going for a walk, hanging out on the patio in the morning with a mug of coffee and a good read, or taking care of all things home. Writing is a new calling for Sabra, born out of the dark trenches of her husband’s recent life-changing illness and God’s amazing provision. Encouraging others and sharing the truths of God’s Word is her joy. She’d love for you to join her journey as she shares what God is teaching over at Simply- A Blog of Life in Christ and on Twitter @SabraPenley
Take a few minutes to read Psalm 101
“I will be careful to lead a blameless life…”
– Psalm 101:2
A few years ago I indulged in a guilty pleasure. An awful term, I know. In fact if the world says something is guilty, that should be a big red flag!
Anyway, I got caught up in watching some “reality” shows in which the drama of hostilities between people was the theme. Let’s just say these shows involved wealthy housewives and a lot of worldly endeavors. I don’t even know why they appealed to me. Wasting my time watching something like this was bad enough, but it was the effect of inviting them into my mind that got my attention.
One morning I was lying in bed, my mind still fuzzy from sleep and still dreaming somewhat. Out of nowhere I was rudely awakened by the f-word. WHAT?! Where did THAT come from? This is not a word that has ever been used by the mouths in my home. Horrified, I realized it had come from my own mind. It wasn’t said aloud, but it very well could have been.
Later that morning, I was reading my Bible and these words jumped out at me: “I will walk in my house with a blameless heart. I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me; men of perverse heart shall be far from me. I will have nothing to do with evil” (Psalm 101:2-4). GUILTY!
Oh yes, the Holy Spirit convicted me big time!
No flesh-and-blood person came into my home speaking this vile language. I wasn’t even around people who used the word. No, this word came into my home because I invited it there. The only place it had been heard was on my TV. Of course, it had been bleeped out. But I could tell exactly what they were saying. Every bleep registered as that curse word in my mind. Over and over and over again. Day after day.
No wonder I heard this word come out of my own head, if not my own mouth (and that would have been the next step).
I was eating a steady diet of garbage— anger, brawling, slander, malice, envy, hatred, cursing, betrayal, greed, self-absorption, lying, and on and on.
The bombardment of ungodly living was having a negative effect on my heart, as the garbage inside piled up.
The people and characters I watched may not have been invited to physically walk through my door, but the effect, of allowing them to act out their sinfulness in front of me, on screen, was as profound as seeing it fleshed out in my home.
They say, “Garbage in—garbage out.”
At some point, what we see and hear moves from being just in our heads to being in our hearts. Share on X
It clings to us, as Psalm 101:3 says.
God has made it clear that living a blameless life takes determination to follow His ways. In this psalm, we are given the instruction to be careful…watchful…aware. When we see evil, in any form, we are to put it to silence and cut it off.
Hit the mute button. Turn off the TV. Walk away. Separate ourselves from it.
But just getting rid of the ugly isn’t enough. Psalm 101:6 says, “My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.”
We must constantly look upon what is good…set God’s Word before us every day. We must look to Him whose walk is blameless—the Lord Jesus Christ. And His example—His holiness, His faithfulness—will minister to us.
Erase the evil…embrace the good.We want our homes to reflect God’s goodness. We want them to be places of peace and harmony and filled with love.
Is that what we invite in?
What we bring into our homes invades our minds and eventually our hearts. And what is in our hearts will come out our mouths and dictate our actions.
Luke 6:45 says, “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart his mouth speaks.”
Psalm 101 makes it clear that leading a blameless life takes careful consideration of all we do. We have to make the effort to turn away from anything evil and focus on what is good.
Guilty pleasures should have no place in our lives. Instead, we must pursue Godly pleasures that will fill our hearts and homes with all that is good.
Guilty pleasures fill the heart with garbage. Godly pleasures sweep the heart clean.
Heavenly Father, forgive us for the times we have placed evil before our eyes and invited it into our homes. O Lord, help us to pursue those things that are pleasing to You and will allow us to lead blameless lives. May our focus be on what is good that You will fill our hearts with peace and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Growing in Grace,
Deep Breaths:
1. Reread Psalm 101 and ask God to work its truth into your mind and heart as you reflect upon it.
2. Sometimes it can feel like God wants to ruin our fun. But, when we remember His character and how He is good and knows what’s best, we can trust His heart and His Word. Is there a vile thing that you have been engaging with, but need to avoid? Ask God for help with this.
3. Take a few moments and talk to God about what He may be stirring up in your heart. Don’t rush through this, but ask Him to help you see and hear what He wants to reveal to you individually through this passage and this post.
Now What?
Looking for good news? Checkout Katie’s book, full of grace for the try-hard woman, Made Like Martha: Good News for the Women Who Gets Things Done.
(Disclaimer: Affiliate link, see full disclosure policy).
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Thank you for this reminder, Sabra. I’ve “preached” this concept to teen girls at church and then turned around and found myself needing the preaching. It’s so easy to get sucked into what the world finds entertaining, because our flesh is so easily tempted and so easily led astray. I often find myself mulling over Luke 6:45 when I say or think an ugly word or thought…it makes me check my heart, my plumb-line to God. It’s not often pretty, but I am glad that as a Christian, the Spirit will convict me. Blessings today, friend! 🙂
It is truly sad what we "entertain" ourselves with, isn't it? We absolutely need God's Word as our plumb-line to stay on the good path and not become de-sensitized to the evil all around us. "Our flesh is so easily tempted and so easily led astray." How we need to always remember that! Thanks, my sweet friend!
Thank you Sabra. How right you are. I of course think about this for my children, I have not thought a lot about what I watch on tv.
So true, isn't it, Rachael? We're so careful when it comes to our children. Somehow we think because we are older it doesn't affect us as much. But that is just a lie Satan wants us to believe. Thanks for reading. Have a blessed day/
I totally relate to this! I'm so sensitive to the things I watch on TV and in movies and don't realize it until I'm "in it." We all need the reminder to be careful and put some filters up 🙂
Filters…I like that. You know, purposefully setting guidelines as a family on what is appropriate to watch and read and what isn't is a great idea. Thanks, Jess!
Sabra- I believe this is such a needed message among Christina women. So often we say we believe one thing but confuse others but what we let in and watch or listen to. I am easily and quickly influenced by what I watch/hear and needed this important reminder. Thank you for your transparency and loving others enough to speak this truth, His truth, in love.:)
I'm starting to learn just how much I deceive myself and justify my actions. Learning to walk with a blameless heart is truly a lifelong journey! Thanks, Katie.
This is so important in our media-saturated culture. I find that I even have to be careful about THE NEWS, for heaven's sake. I watch little tv, but have to be careful on-line. Sometimes I see a news headline that arouses my curiosity. (Themes like pedophile priests, women kidnapped into sex slave trade, and the list goes on and on.) But I ask myself, "Do I really need to know about this?" before I click.
I think you're right. We are SO EASILY INFLUENCED by what we watch and hear. Even on the news.
As I was re-reading this today (funny how I forget what I write), I was reminded of something I've noticed–as a child and as an adult. As a child, my dad would always be up watching TV after I went to bed. This was a long time ago, when TV was much milder than it is today. But I can still remember how I could hear every word and sound coming from what Dad was watching. Sometimes full of laughter…sometimes not. As an adult, when my husband has been up watching TV after I've gone to bed, I can also hear every word and sound. He likes to watch mystery and cop shows. There are many times screams and yelling on those shows. When I am lying in bed, and I hear those sounds, it sends chills right through me. Imagine how unsettling that can be for a child to hear, in the dark, alone in his room. It's not good for any of us…especially our little ones. Might be a good exercise sometime. Turn on the TV to a show you watch without your kids and go in the other room. Just listen. It can be pretty eye-opening. Something to think and pray about, for sure.
Sabra – oh how powerful and convicting this message is!! I too used to love those type of shows. Thankfully I don't really have time for TV anymore and when I do I am not interested in that kind of drama. I would tell myself it was just funny amusement…but you are right that we are filling our minds with garbage aren't we? I like to justify it as harmless but it isn't! Years ago I stopped listening to any secular music…for that very reason but I need to apply this to all areas of my heart and life!!
It is way too easy to justify it, isn't it? Thanks, Kristin. Blessings to you.
I think we can easily become legalistic about the "do's" and "do nots", but it really comes down to the heart, doesn't it? God sets forth guidance, sometimes different for different people, but it is for our care and protection. Not to be a burden but to set us free form burden/strongholds.:)
I agree, Katie. When we feel God tugging at our hearts, that's when we need to be careful to listen.
This is a great message, Sabra! I love when others share how the Holy Spirit has provided conviction and realizes it is a good thing. As a teenager, I was once taught that the conviction of the Holy Spirit is beautiful because it shows we are tender to what Christ is doing in our lives. Love this!
I hate to think where I would be without Him. Thanks so much, Jennifer! Blessings to you!
Sabra, this is beautiful. Very fitting to go with Psalm 101! I appreciate how relatable your story is and your transparency in sharing it! Erase the evil…Embrace the good. Love it! Your heart and writing continue to point us to Jesus. Bless you, dear sister!
Thanks for your sweet comments, Julie. Blessings to you!
Thanks for such a grace-filled convicting post! It's hard to watch or listen to anything anymore, it's pretty much all garbage unfortunately.
One of my favorite verses (and I'm paraphrasing) is "May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, my God, rock and redeemer." I find myself reciting it when I'm tempted to say or think something ugly 🙂
I agree, Alecia. We definitely have fewer and fewer God-honoring choices in entertainment. I love that Bible verse–Psalm 19:14! And what a wonderful way to apply it. Thanks so much for sharing.
Sabra — what a powerful reminder to LISTEN to God and to be faithful to His leading, even if that means appearing radical and making choices people don't understand. He is worth it, our example and choices matter.
They certainly do! Thanks, Jamie. Blessings to you!
Love this Jamie, "what a powerful reminder to LISTEN to God and to be faithful to His leading, even if that means appearing radical and making choices people don't understand". So true.
Love this post, Sabra! Oddly enough (or maybe not so odd at all!), I was looking for something to watch on Netflix this weekend and watched an episode and a half of one of their original series. Most of it was okay but there were a couple of scenes regarding behavior that is a temptation and former stronghold for me. And I was debating whether or not to continue to watch the series. Your post has reminded me that there is a reason I've always been careful about what I watch and that I need to continue to be diligent. The enemy is sneaky, trying to make me think that I am "over" it and can choose differently now. So not true!! 🙂 Appreciate your reminders that what goes into our minds and hearts affects us, whether we think it is or not.
Oh so true about that sneaky enemy! I memorized this psalm because I find I struggle in this area over and over. While I don't watch those housewife shows anymore, I constantly need to assess everything I watch–even so-called family shows and HGTV sometimes. Thanks for your comments, Holly.
What a fantastic, modern day application of the message of this Psalm! I was definitely convicted of what I allow myself to be exposed to…with the rationalization possibly that I need to know what is happening in culture? I have to admit, at first when I recognized what shows you referred to I wanted to stop reading. I read it the other day, and God's truths have been wriggling around in my mind and changing it, to the point that this morning I reread the Psalm and I am more available and teachable today. Thank you for your authentic way of writing about this.
So glad you kept reading, Kelley. I didn't even consider mentioning those specific shows might turn people away. As I mentioned in my reply to Holly above, I don't watch any of those shows anymore, and haven't since I was convicted about this. But I am needing to be careful even with family shows, competition shows, and HGTV. There seems to be so little any more that is worth watching, right? Thanks for your comments, Kelley. I really appreciate them.