God has used today’s guest to speak life-giving truth to me and countless others. I first met Carrie when she spoke at Women’s Retreat and was blessed to be in the audience for a live taping of her teaching this winter. She guest posted on the Intentional Mothering Series and I have mentioned her several times on this blog. Carrie and her husband were featured with Extension 26 as well.
Carrie is a lover of Jesus and lives to see women of all ages embrace
the incredible realities of His glorious gospel. Carrie serves on staff
with Revive Our Hearts. She and her hubby, Dennis, have been married
33 years, have four children – two by birth and two by marriage- and
are loving the “Grammy and Papa” season of life.
Read Psalm 122
“Our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem…”
Our feet were indeed standing in Jerusalem; the city upon which God has chosen to place His name (Ps. 48; Dan. 9:19). Time seemed to stand still as we walked the ancient stone-paved streets of the Old City. These were the streets upon which King David had danced in celebration as the Ark of the Covenant entered Jerusalem. These were the stones that would have echoed the crowds loud “Hosannas” as the King of Glory entered the city gates riding on a donkey. This was the once blood-stained path of our Savior on His way to Calvary. This was Jerusalem; the city from which the Risen Messiah – the Prince of Peace – will one day rule and reign.
But today the streets of Jerusalem resound with the threat of impending war. Though tourism remains strong (and safe) local residents are keenly aware difficult days are on the horizon for the people living in the land of Israel. That’s why those like Zak choose to live there.
Zak and his wife are followers of Jesus deeply committed to sharing the gospel with all who will listen. Palestinian by birth they and their two little ones are neither welcomed nor accepted by the Jewish people. As followers of Jesus they are persecuted by both Palestinians and Jews. And yet, so that others might hear of the love of the Savior, they remain.
Would you join me in praying that Zak and his wife would have opportunities this week to show the love of Christ to those who hate them?
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…
Peace only comes as we embrace Yeshua HaMashiach – Jesus the Messiah – the Savior of the world. Would you pray that the harvest of souls in the land of Israel today – both Jew and Gentile – would be great?
“For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I will now say, ‘May peace be within you.’”
**If you would like to learn more about how to pray for our brothers and sisters in Israel check out the Voice of the Martyrs February 2014 edition.
For Such A Time As This,
Deep Breaths:
1. Reread Psalm 122
2. Psalm 122:6 talks about praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Am I? Are you? Let’s take a few minutes right now to apply this verse and plead for this beloved country; this beloved people.
3. What does God care about? All throughout scripture we see that He has chosen and set apart His people and the land of Israel. For His name’s sake we pray. For His sake we ask for soft hearts toward His land and this people. For His sake let us seek Israel’s prosperity. Would you consider asking Him how you can put feet to this reality today?
Joining your prayer today. Enjoyed your post, Carrie!
Thanks, Holly…. so thankful for your prayers!!
Thank you, Carrie, for personalizing issues in Israel for us by telling us about Zak and his family!