I met Darlene at the ACW Writing Conference a few weeks ago. She is a life coach, teacher, speaker and author. Just from interacting with her for two days I could tell that she is doing what she was made to do. Genuine joy radiated from her as she encouraged us and helped us grow with a listening ear, intentional questions and a compassionate heart.
I love seeing people soar as they operate in their strengths and bring glory to God. It is a beautiful thing to witness; it is inspiring.
I love seeing people soar as they operate in their strengths and bring glory to God. It is a beautiful thing to witness; it is inspiring.
So, why is this post one that I have been avoiding? Because I have been wrestling with something.
As I follow the likes of Jeff Goins (a writer who instructs others to be more effective writers) and Holley Gerth (a God-sized dreamer who encourages others to pursue their God-sized dreams), I begin to realize something profound. Maybe we have the most success and fulfillment when we are helping others instead of promoting ourselves.
As I talked to my friend Charity yesterday, I confessed my struggle. If we are being honest, don’t we want success for ourselves? Maybe you are one of those naturally unselfish people. I admire you. But, I am not one, yet. While I genuinely enjoy helping others shine, I like to shine quite brightly myself. I like to perform and be seen and be known. Yet, I seem to get the best response, and the most stats, when I help others shine brighter.
I delight in drawing others’ talents out and helping them take the next steps in what God has for them. Whether it is starting a blog, launching a website, submitting an article, or being a more respectful wife or loving mom. I enjoy asking intentional questions and helping others grow in their faith.
The tagline for this site, and my life really, is inspiring you to grow with the Lord. And that is really who I am, I can’t help it; it springs forth from within.
So what’s the hangup?
Fully entering into this purpose means I lay down my “rights” to be famous, so that I can make Him famous.
Besides, my Sunshine Head son whispered this to me the other night,
“Mom, I don’t want you to be famous.”
“Why son?”
“Because then you’ll have to be gone all the time.”
“Oh son, I don’t think I am going to be famous. But if I am, I could take you with me sometimes. Would you like that?”
As I follow the likes of Jeff Goins (a writer who instructs others to be more effective writers) and Holley Gerth (a God-sized dreamer who encourages others to pursue their God-sized dreams), I begin to realize something profound. Maybe we have the most success and fulfillment when we are helping others instead of promoting ourselves.
As I talked to my friend Charity yesterday, I confessed my struggle. If we are being honest, don’t we want success for ourselves? Maybe you are one of those naturally unselfish people. I admire you. But, I am not one, yet. While I genuinely enjoy helping others shine, I like to shine quite brightly myself. I like to perform and be seen and be known. Yet, I seem to get the best response, and the most stats, when I help others shine brighter.
I delight in drawing others’ talents out and helping them take the next steps in what God has for them. Whether it is starting a blog, launching a website, submitting an article, or being a more respectful wife or loving mom. I enjoy asking intentional questions and helping others grow in their faith.
The tagline for this site, and my life really, is inspiring you to grow with the Lord. And that is really who I am, I can’t help it; it springs forth from within.
So what’s the hangup?
Fully entering into this purpose means I lay down my “rights” to be famous, so that I can make Him famous.
Besides, my Sunshine Head son whispered this to me the other night,
“Mom, I don’t want you to be famous.”
“Why son?”
“Because then you’ll have to be gone all the time.”
“Oh son, I don’t think I am going to be famous. But if I am, I could take you with me sometimes. Would you like that?”
Embracing this tagline, this lifeline, means I take a step back on this platform so that He can take center stage as you follow His lead.
I chuckle, but it stings a little, that the most popular post on my blog was written by someone else. Often the posts that resonate the most are from guests. This fact can lead to humiliation or humility. This can be a hangup or a hug, reminding me that my mission is being accomplished, to inspire others to grow in the Lord.
I have been wrestling with God, a tug of war if you will, trying to be somebody vs. being the somebody He has asked me to be, made me to be. The struggle between being known and making Him known. But in actuality, I am known by the One and the ones that matter most to me.
If this book I am writing is just about me, and getting my story read, then it is somewhat empty and lonely, but, if I follow His motivation to “bind up the broken and set the prisoners free” (see Isaiah 61), then I have fresh resolve to tell this story for His purposes.
Today I decide afresh to inspire you to grow with the Lord, to promote Him with joy and support you in what He is calling you to do.
Let’s stop fighting who He made us to be, and take our place in the body so that we can:
“…equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ…speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (Ephesians 4:12-13, 15-16).
I chuckle, but it stings a little, that the most popular post on my blog was written by someone else. Often the posts that resonate the most are from guests. This fact can lead to humiliation or humility. This can be a hangup or a hug, reminding me that my mission is being accomplished, to inspire others to grow in the Lord.
I have been wrestling with God, a tug of war if you will, trying to be somebody vs. being the somebody He has asked me to be, made me to be. The struggle between being known and making Him known. But in actuality, I am known by the One and the ones that matter most to me.
If this book I am writing is just about me, and getting my story read, then it is somewhat empty and lonely, but, if I follow His motivation to “bind up the broken and set the prisoners free” (see Isaiah 61), then I have fresh resolve to tell this story for His purposes.
Today I decide afresh to inspire you to grow with the Lord, to promote Him with joy and support you in what He is calling you to do.
Let’s stop fighting who He made us to be, and take our place in the body so that we can:
“…equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ…speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (Ephesians 4:12-13, 15-16).
Linking-up with Coffee For Your Heart, Tell His Story, and Words of Life Wednesdays today. Won’t you join in on the fun as we encourage each other?!
Katie, you blessed me! Thank you! It was a divine appointment to meet you. Amen!!
Our life is in His hands, from the beginning to the last breath. He sees. He knows. He has a plan, a plan, a plan.
Keep leaning into Him, and as you lean for all your strength to break free of old tagalongs, you die, and come out on the other side fuller of Him and in Him. It is His way of flipping us inside out to further the Kingdom, and then we can empower without.
I love you Katie Reid. God is up to something. I love your family too. The pic touches my heart! Darlene
Hi Darlene- Thanks for the inspiration!:)
I AM inspired to grow every time I read something you write…
I need to be more intentional about letting you know what your words mean to me
Love you, friend!
Hi Beth- Thank you friend. Can’t wait to see you so soon!:)
So convicting. Loved this
Hi Kelly- I love that you can said “convicting” and “loved this” in the same comment- I am that way too.:)
Katie, this is such an insightful and inspiring post I truly needed to read! I follow the influencers you mention and they help me to learn and grow as a Christian writer. I fully agree with these words, “Maybe we have the most success and fulfillment when we are helping others instead of promoting ourselves.” and have had my own wake-up moments about this issue too.
When we fail to fully listen to what God is speaking to us about, take our eyes off serving and promoting Him and begin to make it all about us, then we are in danger of becoming platform chasers rather than grace embracers. How we serve will look different for each one of us but it needs to be God-led and Holy Spirit inspired. Thank you for your words of wisdom!
Thank you Joy, I am going to tweet this powerful statement from you, “We are in danger of becoming platform chases rather than grace embracers.” I want to remember that- so good.
Oh, Katie, this is such a WONDERFUL message. This is something I really struggle with too. I keep finding those selfish tendencies in me lately. Your words really hit home and are ones I need to reflect on. Yes…sharing this one as one of my faves on Friday. Loved! Blessings to you. xoxo
Hi Beth- So wanted to link-up with you and Meredith today, but this post didn’t quite fit and want to be respectful- it was nothing personal at all, just needing to write this today. And I need to keep rereading it, so it sinks in deeper.:) So glad about your upcoming time with your Hubby!
Katie, thank you for wrestling through this and sharing your heart. It truly ministered to me and convicted me. This line is powerful: ” The struggle between being known and making Him known.” Great post. Beautifully written. Pointing to Him. Thanks!
Wow such truth here and so beautifully written. I think it’s a struggle many Christians have, whether writers or musicians or whatever God has them called to do
It’s such a fine line between doing your call well and making it about yourself. I pray God keeps us all in check! haha
Katie – think of the ways your influence is multiplying as you inspire others to rise up to what God calls them to, even as you also do the same! I’ve heard Sherene McHenry’s response when asked why she doesn’t practice as a counselor, but instead had become a professor of counseling. She said she realized she would help more people that way. She could have a limited # of clients, or she could have thousands of counselors she educated who are helping all of THEIR clients. That resonated with me, and probably influenced me to turn to teaching rather than trying to continue my consulting business.
So even as you write, sing, photograph, mother, minister to youth, build a camp…your influence on us is also multiplying out to reach even more to His glory! You are famous to God!
I read Malachi 3:16 today, within the book “Pursue the Intentional Life” by Jean Fleming (consider that for a book review, BTW!). Consider the conversation we had in the pines at the ranch on Monday…it is recorded on a scroll of remembrance. It will last forever…NYT lists don’t last too long!
Love you sister!
And then I decided to visit you back and found myself saying, “me too” too.
Perhaps this is a bit of a morbid verse, but it’s the one I’ve been holding onto… “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24). Learning to walk slowly, surrender and even die that He might be alive in me. (And okay, this is not at all easy)
Beautiful space you have here. So glad to have “met” you
AMEN Katie! My heart echoes with yours.
Keep on loving and pursuing Him above it all. Keep being used for the greatest purposes, and for purposes we may never see or know. My prayers are with you.
So true. So, so true. I am constantly caught between “how many views do I have today?” And “I want this blog to bless other people. I want the RIGHT person to be led to it.” Isn’t it encouraging to know we aren’t alone in our struggles?