I am the Tightly Wound Woman.
I like to be in control.
I like to be in charge.
I like to tell others what to do (and how to do it and when to do it).
I am a perfectionist.
I am strong.
I am capable.
I am dependable.
I am assertive.
I am independent.
I am also…
Stressed, overworked and running on empty.
Deflated, discouraged and defeated when I come up short – again.
A people-pleaser who is quite insecure, sensitive, and desperately wants you to like me.
A taskmaster who sets unrealistic expectations for myself and others.
I fumble to receive and extend grace in the everyday moments.
I see how everything in life could be improved and often point it out.
I am striving, driving and running out of gas.
I am the Tightly Wound Woman.
Wound up in a Love that has no bounds.
Created by the One who is truly in control and always perfect.
Delighted in by the Strong, Capable Savior who pursues my heart.
Dependent on the One who upholds me and calls me to rest.
I am also…
At peace when I live with open hands and trust His lead.
Accepted and approved through Christ who died to redeem me.
Given grace by a loving Master who has my best interest in mind.
Delivered, desired and declared pure by the One who has finished the work once and for all.
I can live confidently, not because of my strength, but because of His Sufficiency and Faithfulness.
I see how extravagantly He loves me as I count all the blessings with thanksgiving.
I am being renewed day by day as I tap into the source of truth; transformed by the renewing of my mind.
I am learning to trust Him even when the unexpected happens.
I am walking with Jesus down this bumpy path and finding grace in the unraveling.
I am held close by the One who formed me.
I am the Tightly Wound Woman.

Meredith Bernard Photography
Will you join me as we journey together?
We may be up tight but we are also tightly wound to His heart.
Let’s help each other grow in grace and truth as we allow Him to direct our steps. Let’s explore the idiosyncrasies of being tightly wound as we discover the hope that is found in the One who holds us together and loves us as we are.
This world needs strong women who get wound up about the things that matter.
Let’s stop competing with the Holy Spirit and start cooperating with Him- we just might change the world. Let’s rally together as we follow Jesus’ lead- He’s the One who has already changed the world.
Join the journey as we find grace in the unraveling of life. Sign up by email at the top right corner of my blog to receive the latest posts in your inbox for FREE (as well as occasional updates from me). I look forward to walking together on this road toward freedom.
Each month you will receive a letter to uplift your try hard soul. Access past Letters to the Tightly Wound Woman here.
Oh Katie, I love, love, love this! I have read it 3 times already. I can relate to much of it. I do not know where to begin. There is so much written in those words. It is honest and real. It holds truth and offers hope. Just beautiful!
Thank you so much Kim.:)
This. Is. Perfect. “This world needs strong women who get wound up about the things that matter.” Amen! You are onto something big here…and echoing the same struggle so many of us share. Can’t wait to be drawn closer to the One who can wind us together and unwind all that keeps us far from one another and from Him. I’m all in with you…xoxo, mb
Thank you Meredith- love this “the One who can wind us together and unwind all that keeps us far from one another and from Him.” Can I use it?:) Your continually support and encouragement is such a blessing. Thanks for not letting me give up.:)
Hi Katie! I’d visited your other blog, but when I read this post I could identify SO MUCH with you. It’s like you were describing me. Look forward to reading your posts.
(I think I missed meeting you at She Speaks…)
Thank you Betsy- it is so comforting to hear that they are other #TightlyWound women out there. Here’s to a journey of growth, grace and God’s guidance as we learn to live more freely.:)
Just re-read your post and HAD to comment again:
“Let’s stop competing with the Holy Spirit…” YES that is so true, struck such a cord with me. Lord, help me give up control!
KATIE! I love, love, LOVE all this newness! I was a bit surprised at the change at first, but this spoke directly into my heart. I teared up, realizing this is me. I am tightly wound. Always have been, however, I’m learning many things can be let go, so to your words “This world needs strong women who get wound up about the things that matter.” I shout (because that’s what tightly wound women do sometimes! 😉 ) a resounding Amen! So glad I stopped by this evening! You, my friend, continue to bless me!
Kaylene! Thank you. Ha, my website changes were probably like someone switching the furniture around or repainting without you knowing ahead of time, eh?!:) So glad you are a part of this community and that we are on this #tightlywound journey together.
Katie you and I are cut from the same mold….just many years apart lol.
I get stressed by my daughter who is made in your image and doesn’t yet recognise herself as a tightly wound woman,,,,though all who know her would agree…..I also get stressed when I am asked to do more than I have volunteered to do as I offer so much and when people want MORE when I feel I’ve offered heaps……and can’t wind up any tighter…….eeeeeeeeeks ! Is this where you wanted your question answered about what winds us up? Please move if not…you’re dealing with a senior here lol.I also get stressed when my 40 year old son goes on binge drinking sprees…even though he loves God and all….he has Asperger’s….and just needs to opt out of life for a day or three every so often and this stresses me to the max…….thanks for asking…your posts are excellent…this page especially.
Thank you Mary. May God’s peace and joy be your strength as you face stress. He’s there in the midst.
Katie, wow, thank you for this. I’m a tightly wound woman too, so I identified strongly with the first part (by the way it kind of stings to look in the mirror and see what the “perfection” I strive for really looks like). And then. I was caught totally off guard by the “Wound up in a love that has no bounds”. I just really have no words except those were God’s words to me just now – I’m SO safe in His love that I could never unravel that ball of yarn, and even what I manage to unravel he spells into grace (love that watercolor by the way). Thank you, Katie, for carrying me to the Father through your words. What a blessing! P.S. stopping by from FMF where I wrote a bit about my “tightly wound-ness” today – and your blog title just jumped out at me!
You are most welcome Katy. My friend Rebekah Ellis made that yarn art and I just love what it communicates.
I just found your blog through a linkup, and I am excited to follow along! I connect with this idea so much and feel like God is constantly unraveling the things I look to for fullness and worth outside of Him. Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait to read more!
Hi Lauren- Welcome! So glad you’re here as we grow in grace together.
Welcome Lauren! So glad to connect.
Y E P…
Too often, I find myself in the grips of rush versus grace, and that’s not Godly. And I must learn to let go and let God lead, love, live in me and through me.
Your agenda, Father, Yours…
Amen Susan!
I love this! And you sing, too? Wow 🙂
Thank you Kim. The creativity helps keep me sane. 🙂