Hi Everyone!
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am not writing over here much anymore. You can follow me over here on my website. I am writing two times-ish a week over there and having all sorts of fun connecting with others as we build the #TightlyWoundWoman community. We’d love to have you join us as we find grace in the unraveling of life.
For the last two years I have bravely and excitedly participated in The Nester’s 31 Day Writing Challenge every day in the month of October. It was hard and wonderful at the same time. It grew me in many ways as a person and writer.
However, as I try and simplify our overwhelming schedule, I will not be doing the 31 day challenge this year. This is a hard “no” for me, but it is a good “no” as I focus on other things right now.
BUT, if you are sad about me not participating this year you can still choose one of my many series to read for the month of October (and/or you can join The Nester and Kate and do your own series- how fun!).
Mom, god loves you… keep following gods path. <3 u!!!!