Wound Up Women can live with less in order to have a bigger impact in the world.
Today is the last installment of the “7” posts. For the past three weeks my friends have been sharing the impact that Jen Hatmaker’s book 7 had on them.
I am delighted that my lovely friend, Beth, is closing out this series. I’ve been pestering her to start a DIY blog and today she is courageously giving you a glimpse of her handiwork.
Beth faithfully prays for her family and friends. She is married to her love, Nic,
and they have two amazing kids and are licensed foster parents as well.
Beth inspires me with her creativity; she re-purposes material and furniture-
transforming them into something functional and beautiful. I can’t help but see
the spiritual parallel- doesn’t God do that with us? He takes something ordinary,
or broken, and transforms it into something wonderful- a vessel that He can use;
for His glory.
My story is not a “rag-to-riches” adventure – in fact, I’d say it is the opposite, and I am so grateful. I grew up with provision in excess: extravagant house, abundant entertainment, delicious and never-scarce food…and a nagging loneliness.
I married my wonderful husband and life changed! We had very little to live on – but discovered a deep and intense dependence on God because of it.
I believe I am a friend of Christ, today, because of how I was once stripped of a love for anything but His Kingdom.
Another part of me that you should know is that I thrive on creativity. These days, garnishing my home with beautiful or interesting things is my hobby. But, because of my recent history with less available money, I am thrilled by a bargain.
My favorite projects start as someone else’s trash….and I turn them into a one-of-a-kind treasure (at least in my eyes!). Isn’t that what Christ does in each of our lives? Read Isaiah 54. It’s the amazing story of God’s restoring power.
I was a hollow, complacent, shell of a person and God “flipped” my heart and mind. I am a new creation IN HIM!
Katie asked me to share a few of my projects – this is my first time posting them on the world wide web (ahhh, scary!). I would much rather have you come over for a piece of cake to show you my re-dos, but pictures will have to do for now. I hope you are inspired to create something from nothing.
All this to say – I LOVE what Jen Hatmaker had to say in her book “7.” I am again challenged to purge my life of the excess that so easily blocks my view of God. I know that I can make more of my time, money, and things available for God’s Kingdom.
Luke 12:30-34 “For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
Living a life redeemed,
How has God made “something from nothing” in your life? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.:)
B! So glad you posted this:) You are so talented and beautiful on the inside & out! Keep creating things. Luv your cuz, Carrie
Thanks, C 🙂 You’re so sweet!!