I got another “no” on my writing yesterday.
Two “no’s” in one week. Awesome.
And yesterday was just not a good day to get a “no”. It didn’t fit into my frantic and frazzled day. You know the kind, right? When you’re on edge on the inside and the kids aren’t cooperating and you’re trying to get too much done in a short period of time, and you are continually losing your temper; screaming and apologizing, repeat.
This Tightly Wound Woman has days like this more often than she cares to admit.
So, Jolene’s post was indeed timely. A much-needed reminder that kindness can be found in God’s “no”.
When we get a “no” we can throw a tantrum, throw in the towel or throw up our hands in worship…and keep going.
I had a few “thought-tantrums”. You know the kind, right? When you yell and kick and shout silently, acting like a spoiled toddler who didn’t get to ride the penny horse at the supermarket (for the fifth time in a row).
I was hurt; not gonna lie.
On one hand I expected the rejection, the unwanted houseguest who shows up at the most inopportune times.
On the other hand, I was daring to hope that the unexpected would happen, and also scared that it might happen at the same time.
But the “yes” didn’t happen- this time.
I’m reminded of these words that came out of my mouth, out of my heart, only a month ago…
You can be confident, because God is faithful.
Don’t shrink back!
Don’t rely on your own strength.
Lean into God’s faithfulness and hold your head high, because the One on high holds you.
This does not mean everything is going to turn out the way you want it to. But it does mean that you can trust the One who goes with you.
Psalm 46:11 says, “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
And then there’s that song, “The God of angels armies is always by my side.” This should bring us great confidence that God, who has angels armies, is right by our side- right now.
The song goes on to say, “The One who lives forever, He is a friend of mine.”
We live in a world where we can be unfriended, unfollowed and unliked, but there is One who sticks with you, closer than a brother. A friend who will not leave you or forsake you.
Jesus is the best, most famous person you can and should follow.
He likes you.
He loves to listen to you.
He is interested in what you think.
He is not bored by your status updates, but He cares more about your heart than your latest selfie.
He loves that self. He loves you.
He lived and died for you and rose again to be in an everlasting relationship with you.
Because He is faithful, you can be confident.
Hebrews 10:35-39 “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, ‘He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him.’ But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.”
Don’t shrink back.
Keep going.
We’re in this together,
Linking up with Woman2Woman, Three Word Wednesday, #TellHisStory and Coffee for Your Heart today.
Katie- what a timely and inspiring message for me. I’m sorry for your “no” but happy for how God used it. And this line is just perfect: “Lean into God’s faithfulness and hold your head high, because the One on high holds you.” Halleluia! And by the way…I always say YES to your writing! 🙂 It always blesses me.
Thank you Karen- Your encouragement is a gift and it reminds me to look up instead of look around, thank you for keeping the main thing that main thing.:)
I know that stomach plunging feeling of no. At least that’s how I felt when I heard no. I love what you say here, that our confidence comes because he is reliable and faithful. I’m so grateful for that! And I keep reminding myself that even if we got a thousand no’s, all we really need is God’s one yes at just the right time.
Thank you Gina!:)
Sorry for the “no’s” you have experienced this week. I pray that they lead to the greater & better “yes” from Him soon. I am grateful that through your experience, you created the beautiful meme to remind us all to raise our hands & keep moving. It seems God has a theme this week in my life to move forward knowing He goes before me. So I really found myself grateful to have read your post this morning. Blessings!
Thank you Joanne- praising God that you were encouraged. He does indeed bring beauty from ashes, doesn’t He? Isaiah 61:)
My dear Katie, as I read your words, I felt them. It hurts big time to feel like we weren’t the one invited to the party. And man oh man, that feeling has hung around in my soul far longer than I like to admit. Today, I hope God showers you with the grace to know you are a major deal to Him. He’s probably having a rejection party for you in the heavenly places at this moment…since he knows the pain of your rejection always serves to reorient you to His faithfulness. [That may be the most cheesy thing I have ever said…”rejection party in the heavenly places.” Go with it anyway. I think it’s really a thing.]
Amy- thank you, love what you said- and it was not cheesy, but meaty- filling for the soul.:)
I’m with you friend. I received a no as well last week. Not so fun. But I love how your high view of God lifted you through the disappointment! You’re right, we’re in this together. “Because He is faithful, we can be confident.” Love that! Keep going, girl! Blessings!
I feel your disappointment. Got a few of those myself this week. So hard because you wait so long for an answer. How precious it is to know that God has got it and we really can entrust our work to His hands. Thanks for reminding me.
Katie, I love this post. And yes, I threw a fit and then grieved and everything in between when I got my “no,” and I believe God was ok with that. The important thing is that we keep going and keep writing, which is exactly what you’re doing and that is awesome. I’m cheering for you girl, and I know that God is going to use these rejections to make us stronger.
Hi, Katie:
You are a beautiful person inside and out. The two no’s that you received are cancelled out by all the yesses in your life….family, faith, friends.