Something wasn’t right. I needed something more, something different. When I saw Rebekah’s art, I asked her if she would make a custom piece for the #TightlyWoundWoman, and she agreed. I am delighted to reveal her handiwork here- it’s just right. Speaking of “righting”, let’s also talk about writing….
It’s hard to believe that it is October already. For hubby this month means deer hunting and cooler temperatures. In fact, he’s out in his tree blind today, crossbow in hand.
For the past two years October has found me writing like a crazy woman via The Nester’s 31 Day Writing Challenge. I grew a lot as a writer via my two 31 day series (31Days with My Brother and 31 Days on Isaiah 40). As I mentioned before I am not participating with my own series this year, BUT, I will be guest posting for two of my friends who are and promoting 10 series that other writers are tackling.
I am encouraging you to take this 31 Day writing challenge.:) “Too overwhelming” you say? Thankfully my friend Kate has a brilliant solution. You can write each day in 5 minutes flat (like we do with Five Minute Fridays). Read the details here. What a great way to write daily, but in manageable bites.
There will probably be well over a thousand (or more) series to read via The Nester’s 31 Day site. We obviously don’t have time to follow them all, so I am here to help.:) I am honored to introduce you to some of the 31 Days series, written by some of my twitter friends. What a gift it would be to leave some “comment love” on their blogs today as they take a flying leap and share their hearts on screen.
31 Days of Life in South Africa
Kate Motaung
Kate is doing a series within a series. Not only will she be writing about her beloved South Africa, but she is providing a smart way to help others stick with writing for 31 days (5 minute writing prompts). Come on over to her place for a whole community of inspiration.
31 Dreams from the Street
Amy Pederson
Amy will be asking strangers this question, “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?” What an intriguing idea! Excited to see the answers she receives and how this series unfolds.
Parenting with Purpose: Creating a Grace-Filled, God-Centered Home.
LeeAnn Taylor
LeeAnn will be sharing parenting tools & resources, scripture, and inspiration from other parents each day all month. She will have some awesome giveaways planned for Mondays as well as printables and other fun surprises!
31 Days of Moments in Africa
Jen Daugherty
Jen used to live in a deep rural village in South Africa, serving with the United States Peace Corps. The Lord led her in that direction for two and a half years, and only recently has she started to understand why. Life in Africa was incredibly hard, but ultimately rewarding. And it’s one stepping stone in her journey of faith.
31 Days in the Parables
Colleen Mitchell
Colleen is a new friend, serving in the breathtaking country of Costa Rica. Colleen invites you to spend the next 31 days in the parables, feeding on the Word of God and renewing a commitment to a healthy prayer life. 31 Days. 6 Parables. 5 Steps. Read, meditate, pray, reflect and journal.
31 Days of Messy Faith (I will be guest posting for Jolene’s series-yeah!)
Jolene Underwood
Life is messy and faith can be too. Come be a part of a place where struggles are real and faith meets the Father. Jolene tells it real and she tells it brave. She opens the doors of her heart and invites you to grow amidst the mess.
The Performance Trap (I will be guest posting for Kasey’s series too!)
Kasey Hanson
Does this title resonate with you like it does with me? Kasey will explore questions like…God, who are You and what do you think of me? God, what do you want me to do? God, how can I serve you? God, this is hard. Will I ever get this right?
31 Days of Finding Joy in the Journey
Julie Lefebure
Be intentional each day with finding joy in life and living it out. You’ll find short, daily posts filled with appreciation for the simple things, ways to cultivate joy, and how to share your joy with others.
Living Like I’m Dying
Meredith Bernard
We don’t know what month’s worth of days will be our last. If we did, would it change the way we lived them? Of course it would. Meredith’s hope is to do something each day that makes an impact on someone’s life and to get some things done that she’s been putting off.
The End of the Line: Quitting the Legacy of Control
Gina Detweiler
We all pass down a legacy. Usually the things we pass to our children are positive and wonderful. But sometimes, those things are not so pretty. Control is one of those things. We live it out, our daughters watch, and the cycle gets repeated. It’s time to put an end to this generational curse. We can walk in freedom, and not just for us but for our daughters.
October ushers in change and it ushers in a beautiful display of writers who stretch, extend and gather that we may glean.
May we change, not just with the seasons, but with Christ as His Words transform us first, then, may we enjoy reading others’ words too.
Happy reading. Happy writing. Happy changing.
P.S. If for some reason all the links to the series don’t work yet, they should by tomorrow morning. Check back and dig in as my friends write their hearts out to glorify Him and to bless you.:)
What a beautiful post, Katie. You have such a loving heart. I adore you. xoxo
Thank you Beth!:) So happy that you have your hubby home!
The header is beautiful. I LOVE it!
Thank you Barbie- Rebekah did a great job!:)