I was greatly encouraged, convicted and challenged to go forward and take the next step into the land that He has given (even in the presence of fear). I wrote this Spoken Word almost a year ago but it sums up what I learned and how I want to live in response to the messages I heard.
May I read this post to you? Click over here and listen to “Into the Land”.
Full of uncertainty, yet called to the task at hand
Unsure what will be found as you go and scout the land
Will there be giants that loom large, towering overhead?
Fears play loud, heart beats quick, pulse mixed with joy and dread.
Just take the next step, just one step, as you enter the unknown
He’s promised to be with you, hold tight to His strong arm.
He charts the course, you follow close, He before, behind and with you.
Emmanuel. Always. Ever. True.
Silence the doubters, survey what’s true, remember what He’s promised
For a time as this, just walk forward, down the aisle of this moment.
Possess the territory from God who made this very ground; sacred.
Don’t lose your sight as the crowd closes in tight.
Focus on the One who gave you vision.
Don’t lag behind nor run ahead.
Rest in the day that lies before you.
But let the lies fall away as you fix your gaze above the haze-
And keep remembering. Call this to mind. Give it your attention.
It’s about One.
Be one with the One and Only,
Who didn’t give up but gave up all for you,
for love.
This Love has called you. He, the Faithful.
We, the small ones asked to make much of Him.
His fame. Spread His fame. Lift up His Name.
Not just with words, but with life.
Beating heart that pounds for His magnification.
Actions that exalt Him without altering truth.
Tell your self to take a backseat to the Savior.
Yield your rights so that He can be the driver.
Cease driving and striving, and rest, breath deep, as He navigates you.
He has been down this road before.
Let yourself be taken down.
Taken down a blind man’s curve.
Turn down the volume of fear, because God can see around the corner.
He fastens you in as you spread your wings.
Enjoy the view as He takes you in closer.
Let Him close the gaps between what’s said and what’s actually done.
Push out the doubts and choose to take God at His Word.
The Word made flesh.
Flesh covered by blood and this testimony.
Overcome by this love incorruptible.
We’re given strength to cover our weakness, so we can overcome.
Live what you speak and speak life-giving words
Seasoned with grace as Jesus cups your face and gives you His approval
Do you know it? Do you really know it?
Once and for all. Christ gave all.
In Him you are sealed. You are approved.
Cease holding that empty cup, begging for others to fill it.
Look…that cup He took, and gave you another.
One overflowing with acceptance, never running out.
Never running out on you.
Take off the dark robe of sin and let Him clothe you in that robe of righteousness.
White and clean, sparkling. Gold, costly coat, just your size.
Not of yourself, but a gift. Priceless gift.
Never wearing out, a perfect fit- from the One who fashioned you, who put you together,
back together.
You can move forward from this mess.
Because God gave best to you, dearly beloved.
So, see, my friend, you can do this.
Because He did it all already.
Just take that next step into this land.
It might look different than what you expected,
but it belongs to you. Custom-made to help you grow.
Did I mention that there is fruit here?
Fruit so sweet, so heavy with blessing that you can barely carry it.
You need help to carry it.
Because it is not meant for you to carry alone.
Yes there are giants, but the One who called you here is so much bigger than they.
Don’t let the giants distract you or deter you from what is rightfully yours.
As you go forward remember the One who is for you.
Not on your own strength, nor by your might
But because of Him who holds you tight.
Let go of all that grips you as you hold on to all that He is.
The grip of grace is greater than any shadows that threaten to follow you down this road.
This new chapter is written so that others may live
You were bound but now you’re free, keep living in that victory.
Set others free, as you plea for their release.
Walk into this land, as He takes you by the hand.
There is life here for you.
Looking for some encouragement? Head on over to the #RaRaLinkup as we cheer each other on to V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! Do you have a testimony? Come share it over at the Testimony Tuesday link-up.
Visiting from the RaRa cheerleading team! What beautiful photos in this post! And, yes, I enjoyed the entire IF gathering – I was sick on the couch all weekend and watched every minute. Chris Caine rocked the house! Rocked me!
Wow! This is extraordinary, Katie! Loved listening to the recording as well:) Blessings.
Beautiful. I love the idea of not walking ahead of God. It is vital to stay in step with him. Cheering your heart, your love and your words from the #RaRalinkup. You know how to speak to me, a tightly wound woman at many times.
Katie I LOVE hearing your voice reading this blog 🙂 You have so much passion and clarity to your voice…I could listen to you all day! Thank you for putting so many of the thoughts from my heart to “paper” following the IF:Gathering! #RaRaLinkUp
Katie, I needed to hear these words today: “Push out the doubts and choose to take God at His Word.” Beautiful post! #RaRaLinkup
Kim Stewart