I’m trying something new today. I am interviewing another writer, Jolene Underwood, about two initiatives that she facilitates, #BlogItForward and #RiseUpWriters.
Watch the video interview below as Jolene shares about these two great programs.
I am excited to share these with you because they are practical ways that we, as writers, can keep the focus on Christ and others.
If we’re honest, it is easy to get wound up in this whole platform and numbers thing and it can soon become all about us.
I appreciate how Jolene has taken these steps to help us grow in this area as we link arms and become better together. Her heart is that we make much of Christ with our writing and encourage one another along this journey.
Watch the video interview below as Jolene shares about these two great programs.
Thank you to Jolene for taking time for this interview. Now, head on over and sign-up for #RiseUpWriters. I am so looking forward to encouragement in my inbox each week as we write to make Him known.
Jolene Underwood writes about “living for Him with faith-filled eyes” at www.joleneunderwood.com. Through trial after trial, she has been challenged to step forward with confidence in the faith she professes to have. God has continually beckoned her to “be strong and courageous.” Through fear and failure, God’s grace has broken through. On her blog you will find stories of fostering, faith, family, fear, failure, freedom and grace.
Jolene would love to connect with you in the journey to live with “faith-eyes.” Connect on Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram: @faith_eyes
Jolene would love to connect with you in the journey to live with “faith-eyes.” Connect on Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram: @faith_eyes
Jolene and I have guest posted for each other. You can read my post He Remains Faithful as part of her 31 Days of Messy Faith series. And then go read the wonderful post that Jolene wrote for the #OpenHearts series, entitled, Kindness in the Kicking.
- Who can you encourage today as they write their heart out for the Lord?
- Who has encouraged you on your writing journey?
In This Together,
P.S. One of my other writing friends, Kate Motaung, told me know about a link-up over at The High Calling last week. I am thrilled that my post about Resurrection is being featured over there today. Head over here to The High Calling to read it.
Jolene, I love what you are doing and that it is led by the Holy Spirit! I can definitely relate to reading messages on other blogs that echo with a message I’ve just written about. Sometimes it’s almost uncanny! But as you say, I totally agree that those are the messages the Holy Spirit is putting on our hearts to write about. What an amazing idea to link together and form connections so that we can promote God’s message together! Katie, thanks for introducing us to Jolene. So fun!
Thank you so much Jenni! It’s definitely a fun ride seeing what the Spirit wants to do and trusting each step along the way. Nice to meet you here on Katie’s place. Hope we can connect more in the future. Blessings on your writing journey!
I have to tell you that when I watched Jolene’s video and read the word “platform” and the whole thing becoming about numbers… my heart nearly leaped out of my chest! I’ve been wrestling with a book proposal and feeling defeated because I don’t have a platform. I had become obsessed with trying to build one, when I clearly discerned God saying to me, “This one thing I have against you. You have forsaken your first love.” My first love was writing what God had placed on my heart. Nothing more. Thank you for this vehicle to keep it all about Him, and not about us!
Oh Janet I’m so glad to hear from you. Even more, I’m glad to hear that God is speaking to your heart and ministering to the need to keep focused on Him. I pray your journey is a blessing in many ways.
So much fun watching you two doing a video interview! Hooray for stepping outside our comfort zone and doing something brave. Love love love both of you and your hearts for Jesus!
I’m looking forward to rising up with y’all.