It’s that time of the month again. 🙂 Time to open up your letter and learn to rest in His Presence. This month the format is a bit different as you receive a Spoken Word to help you unwind.
Click here and I’ll read you this post.
You can sit down on the inside because I stood up in your place.
I covered your sin with My blood and washed it with boundless grace.
I cleansed you with this very blood when you chose to let Me in.
I have taken on your shame, eased your pain, and covered all your sin.
My child, I am near—won’t you stop, turn ’round and see?
I’ve created a way for you to rest secure and also to live free.
So stop clinging to this world for it’s not even your true home.
As you walk in it remember that you are never really alone.
I see each wrinkle line and the limp that trips and slows you.
But Child, I’m using this life as a training ground to mold you.
Lift your eyes, look up, and see all the love in My Radiant Face.
The things of earth grow dim in the light of My Glory and Grace.
Keep walking this path, not giving up, as I wisely lead the way.
My Word is the Rock that undergirds you, it’s your hope and stay.
Stop letting the weeds entangle you, for they are a cheap substitute.
Come to Me for help and let me pull out sin’s strong root.
Let Me untangle you with my unshifting, unearthing truth.
I am the Gentle Gardner, Kind, and you my tender shoot.
I have planted you here, for this day, so you can grow up strong.
And with Me you’ll blossom, fragrant, after not too long.
So, you see, this time of trial and testing, it’s just but a blink.
And then we’ll be together, oh Child, it’s better than you think.
One day I’ll call you, with arms wide, but not a day too soon.
And then you’ll be at home with me, restored, and in full bloom.
- How has God restored you as you let Him lead?
- If you aren’t letting Him lead, why not?
- What is holding you back from living free?
Have you read the following love letters? Or do you need to reread them?
January: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Facing Fears
February: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Unrealistic Expectations
March: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Deferred Hopes
April: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Waltzing with Wisdom
P.S. Linking up with Kelly for the #RaRaLinkup and Holly for #Testimony Tuesday. Then I’ll be linking up with Meredith for Woman 2 Woman, Holley for Coffee for Your Heart, Jennifer for #TellHisStory and Kristin for Three Word Wednesday. All these ladies are wonderful hostesses, head on over and get to know them better.
He is our All. Depending upon Him is so hard when I do things, try to do things, in my own strength. Words to remind me of all that He is and does for one such as myself is a good way to begin my morning.
This is the first time I have visited you on these “letter” days so I shall return to read the others. Glad you are my neighbor at Kelly’s.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
So glad we were neighbors today Linda.:)
Stopping by, dear friend to cheer you on. You are making an eternal difference in the lives of others, for God’s glory. Especially in mine. Keep shining bright for Him. Thank you for this much needed and very creative post today! Much love.
Thank you sweet Julie. I appreciate you!
Katie- This is so very beautiful. You captured God’s character and work so eloquently. Thanks for the poetic message today… you know I love poetry. My favorite part? This: “Stop letting the weeds entangle you, for they are a cheap substitute. Come to Me for help and let me pull out sin’s strong root.” Perfect!
Thank you Karen- your encouragement is a gift, as well as your writing.
Such beautiful and comfort in your words today. I am so glad I clicked over before heading to bed.
So glad I read your words too Amy- really enjoyed your post!
Oh girl!! I was in tears by the end. There is so much beauty and truth in your words.
What beautiful, encouraging words! Thank you so much for sharing these with us! I am holding onto the Truth that His word is my Rock that undergirds me, it is my Hope and Stay.
Thank you!
What a beautiful and encouraging poem! Glad I stopped by from the ‘3 Word Wednesday’ link-up.
Wow! I loved this so much… I actually am limping today because I overexercised a little yesterday so that line stopped me in my tracks. And so many other lines spoke to me with some things I’ve been struggling with lately. Thank you!
Oh, friend. This is so beautiful, so, so beautiful. Words like salve to my soul, thank you!
(visiting from Holley Gerth’s today).
Love love and love!!! Just the reminder to hang in there that I needed, hugs!!!
What a beautiful poem, Katie. You are a talented poet! I agree with Julie’s words in the comment above: you are touching many lives for God’s glory!
My word for the year is “rest,” so wonderful to think of sitting down on the inside….
I’ve been thinking about how restoration comes as we’re transformed, but being transformed doesn’t always mean we’ll have a clear plan with the whens and wheres and hows from God. Sometimes we get to see him working, but part of faith and the transformation God wants for us is trusting his lead even when we can’t see very far in front of us. I realize this isn’t anything new, but it’s what has been on my mind. Your words echoed those truths for me. Thanks for sharing and encouraging well. xoxo
Thank you for the encouragement!
What beauty! What comfort! What peace! Love it, Katie. You warm my heart this morning. Cheering you on from the #RaRalinkup on Purposeful Faith.