Take a few minutes to read these words as you move forward into a new month.
You are loved.
Dear Tightly Wound Woman:
Good Morning dear one.
There is something you should know.
When Jesus died on the cross He offered an acceptable sacrifice—for every sin that has, is and will be committed. Like Abel, His sacrifice was pleasing to Me.
Offered in faith, without spot or wrinkle, My Son willingly placed Himself upon the altar of wood.
You work so hard to please…others, yourself and Me.
But here’s the thing you need to understand…I am already pleased with you because I was pleased with the sacrifice of Jesus.
It’s done. Complete. It is finished.
So you can rest.
You don’t have to work yourself into a frenzy to please Me, like the idol worshipers, in Elijah’s day, who called upon Baal to come and accept their offering, “O Baal, answer us!” But there was no voice, and no one answered. And they limped around the altar that they had made” (1 Kings 18:26, ESV).
You limp around the altar you have made. But this altar is misplaced.
Leave that way of thinking. And come to me, and rest.
Cease striving and be made well.
You are loved beyond what you can imagine, but you are sick. You need My remedy.
Do you want to be made well?
Let My love bandage you and cover you with healing.
Let My Truth wash over you like a cleansing rain.
Let My Spirit minister to your broken places as you dare to come closer to the One who knows your heart.
For You, I fight. I bathe darkness in light. I’ll bind your sores, and I will win the war. Be free, in Me.
The pleasing sacrifice has been found—once and for all—in My Son.
Rest at His feet and lay aside your feeble attempts to save yourself.
I love you—whether or not you have a quiet time.
I accept you—whether or not you have a good day.
I enjoy you—whether or not you believe that I do.
May you take your tightly-woundness and wrap it ’round the foot of the cross. Let me lead you with both cords of love and chords of love. Unwind in My Presence and let me wrap my arms around you—all of you.
You’re mine and I am Yours, for all time—I will hold you. You’re mine and You belong, completely to Me.
May your sacrifices of praise not be an attempt to gain approval but an extension of your devotion to Me.
You don’t have to earn My love. I have already given it—and Me to you—as gift.
The choice is yours.
You can unwrap My love or discard it.
You can receive it or reject it.
You can let it change you or be chained by disbelief.
You are enough Daughter because I am enough for you.
I am pleased with you because I was pleased with the pure sacrifice of the Messiah.
You are complete, accepted, whole, and cherished by Me.
Today is the day to stop living with an orphaned outlook and start operating with a redeemed mind.
Hosea 11:4 (NIV) “I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them.”
P.S. Linking up with Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup on Purposeful Faith. There is a very special guest over there today, who is sharing her heart so that we can live free. Don’t miss it! Also linking up with the lovely Jennifer Lee for #TellHisStory.
P.P.S. Catch up on the other #TightlyWoundWoman letters here:
January: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Facing Fears
February: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Unrealistic Expectations
March: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Deferred Hopes
April: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Waltzing with Wisdom
May: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: RESToration
June: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Hope Still
July: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Sustaining Peace
August: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Known By Me
Congrats to Erica, who won the War Room movie swag, and Jeannette and Debi, who both won a signed copy of Dance with Jesus!
He loves us always, and His love never changes. I am SO thankful for that. I struggle to remember His grace covers over me, over my failures and inadequacies. But He is so good to show me that He loves me, He is such a faithful God! I am growing in giving myself grace more, and letting go of being so hard on myself. Like you, I too, have high expectations of myself. He is pleased with us -not because of anything we have done-but because of the blood of Christ. I’m your neighbor over at #raralinkup today! Thanks for the great reminder of His love-I am always in need of it.
Yes, indeed Kortney. Thank you for sharing your heart here in the comments. Amen, to “growing in grace and letting go of being so hard on yourself.” 🙂 Me too.
Katie, much needed words this morning, friend. I am forever grateful for his love and undeserved grace. We beat ourselves up so much sometimes, don’t we? Today I’m lingering in his presence and peace a little more, knowing I don’t have to strive or work for it. Thank you, God! xoxo
Good morning Abby! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Here’s to a day of peace bc He’s got it under control.
His arms are open. He beckons. He wants to open our clutching grip, to release our wounds and expectations and demands.
He loves us so.
Love this piece, Katie … thanks for ministering to so many souls. You offer freedom through Christ.
Thank you Linda- His freedom for us all!
Dear Katie,
Letters are one of the sweetest and most genuine forms of communication. We have lost the art of this gift in our social media, texting, and limited response lifestyle. But this.. it is an offering of grace that makes one pause and wait, unhindered, opening a treasure and finding a goldmine.
Thank you for scribing words that sow life to the reader.
Many blessings!
Thank you so much for the gift of your words Dawn. Your encouragement uplifts and strengthens the receiver.
This is absolutely beautiful!!!
Thank you Kela. Hope you have a great Tuesday!