Welcome to Day #31 of the Restoration Project!
We made it to the last day of this journey of unwinding through rest and prayer for 31 days.
Thank you for taking this journey with me. Whether you walked the whole way, caught part of the series, or just one post, I appreciate that YOU were here!
When one of my series ends, I feel conflicted. On one hand, I am glad and relieved it’s done, on the other hand, I feel sentimental and a little emotional that it’s coming to an end.
It’s been a joy to be here with you everyday this month. Starting in November, I will be back to my regular writing schedule here on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Periscoping on Monday and Friday at 1:30 EST and Wednesdays at 7:00pm EST.
You can watch all the replay videos from this series over here: https://katch.me/katie_m_reid
What I Learned About Rest:
1. Spiritual rest is directly related to our trust level with God. When we trust Him we can rest on the inside, even if there is chaos and problems swirling around us.
The cross give us permission to sit down on the inside because we have a God who knows what He’s doing.” -Emily P. Freeman, Grace for the Good Girl
2. God modeled a day of rest for us, on purpose. We would be wise to follow His lead and trust the undone things to His keeping.
3. Resting might be more about preparation than it is about recuperation.
4. Getting rid of clutter and throwing away stress can help us rest better.
5. Jesus is our Ultimate Restorer and able to redeem the broken places within us.
What I Learned About Prayer:
1. There is beauty in praying as a community and in unity.
2. Sometimes God answers our prayers in unexpected, surprising ways.
3. Pray unedited—God wants you to be real with Him.
4. When we unplug we create breathing room to connect with God.
5. Pray bold prayers and believe that He will answer you.
What did you learn through the Restoration Project?
I would love to hear what God did in, through and around you this month. Send me an email (via the contact form) and let’s connect.
A Thank You Gift for YOU!
I made a free printable for my email subscribers that showcases a key lesson we learned through the #RestorationProject series.
I will send it out in about a week, so if you aren’t a subscriber yet you still have time to sign-up and receive the printable. You can do so be entering your email address at the top of this page.
I’d be honored for you to join the community as we find grace in the unraveling of life, together.
The Restoration Project Series:
Day 1: Help Me Catch My Breath
I’m starting off this series with a post over on Purposeful Faith as we evaluate our pace. Come on over and let’s take some deep breaths as we begin this journey…
Day 2: Deposit Rest (Guest Post: Marina Bromley)
Day 3: Unwind this Weekend
Day #4: Just Breathe
Day #5: The Miracle that Answered Many Prayers
Day #6: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Being Restored and Renewed
Day #7: Crying Over Clutter and Throwing Away Stress
Day #8: Art of Rest (Guest Post: Michelle Acker)
Day #9: Delays Construct Character
I’m also over at God-sized Dreams today discussing that Detours Aren’t Dead-End Dreams.
Day #10: A Break from the Ordinary
Day #11: Resting Within
Day #12: O Lord, Hear Our Prayer
Day #13: Women at War (Book Review)
Day #14: The Gift of Rest (Revisited)
Day #15: 5 Strategies for a Season of Sanity and Peace (Guest Post: Cindy Bultema)
Day #16: When Chaos Swirls Around Us (Guest Post: Angela Parlin)
Day #17: Stand Still
Day #18: Lay Down Your Burdens
Day #19: You’re Still Invited
Day #20: Resting in Preparation
Day #21: Don’t Edit Your Prayers
Day #22: Home and Heart Renovation (Guest Post: Jessica D.)
Day #23: Finding Rest in A Busy World (Guest Post: Caryn Christensen)
Day #24: Do That Thing You’ve Been Avoiding
Day #25: Content with this Day
Day #26: Find Your Reach (Extension 26)
Day #27: Finding Spiritual Whitespace (Book Review)
Day #28: Undo Your Prayer (Guest Post: Charity Harris)
Day #29: How to Rest in Motion (Guest Post: Christie Hughes)
Day #30: The Rest of God (Guest Post: Karina Allen)
Day #31: Restoration Project Wrap Up and Thank You Gift!
P.S. If you are looking for another series to read, check out 31 Days with My Brother, The Psalms Series, 31 Days of Isaiah 40, Unraveling Grace, or Intentional Mothering.
Thanks for reminding me the importance of Sabbath in my lif. We made it! Now let’s rest!
Thank you for journeying along Tara! 🙂
” Resting might be more about preparation than it is about recuperation.” ( I love this one. I need to learn to do that.)
Thank you Meg. Let’s learn together.