I have to admit these Tightly Wound Woman Letters have been my favorite to share with you this past year.
Your mailbox may get full this month with holiday greetings from friends or it may be painfully empty. Whatever the case, I hope that this letter is one of your favorites—full of love from the One who came down to redeem you.
Dear Tightly Wound Woman:
You’ve been feeling down lately. As the days get shorter and your memory gets longer, you struggle to find joy amidst the flurry of activity that accompanies this season.
May I gently remind you of something dear one?
I came down too. I left the light of Heaven to come down to the dark, so that I could save you and also relate to the struggles that you face.
I came in the dark so that you could find a trusted comforter in me.
May the warmth of my love thaw your spirit as you lift your eyes above your circumstances and focus on the radiance of my grace.
I love you—just the way you are.
I know that this season brings struggle and requires a unique endurance to tromp through.
But, remember, I am Emmanuel. God with you.
I am with you and for you and do not leave you alone in the cold.
You have a Wonderful Counselor as a seal upon your heart. He will help you at break of day and in the dead of night.
Child, you feel down but I promise you there is so much hope fluttering about. It is lasting and real.
Take a moment to look around. See the evidence of my love in the intricacies of the snowflakes. Take stock of those gathered ’round instead of lamenting those that are not near.
You are not left alone. You are welcomed in.
Let me host you and help you.
Warm yourself by the fire of my affection for you. I have come, both then and now, to fight on your behalf.
Will you let me exchange your trouble for my companionship?
Will you give me your cares and let me comfort you with truth?
Will you allow me to transform your thoughts so that you can walk in freedom?
I am here.
You are not alone in this hard place.
Here I am.
I am preparing you for what’s to come. Enjoy the day and get ready for a glorious tomorrow.
P.S. Catch up on the other #TightlyWoundWoman letters here:
January: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Facing Fears
February: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Unrealistic Expectations
March: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Deferred Hopes
April: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Waltzing with Wisdom
May: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: RESToration
June: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Hope Still
July: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Sustaining Peace
August: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Known By Me
September: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Pleasing Sacrifice
October: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: Being Restored and Renewed
November: Dear Tightly Wound Woman: The Overseer of Your Soul
P.P.S. Linking up with Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup on Purposeful Faith.
P.P.P.S My friend Wendy is hosting a Holiday Haiku series for advent. She is providing a writing prompt each day to celebrate the season with fewer words.
Tightly Wound Woman
Formed by the One who loves you
You are not alone
Love this, friend. “You have a Wonderful Counselor as a seal upon your heart. He will help you at break of day and in the dead of night.” This line will stick with me. Thank you for the encouragement!
Thank you Angela! I appreciate your encouragement!
I feel like these letters are personally delivered to me. 🙂
Thank you.
Glad to hear that Lux. 🙂