I was working long hours, trying to get my book proposal done for the upcoming Speak Up Conference. And then I got an email from a lady named Robyn, who was on the prayer team for the conference. This is what she wrote:
God has given you a story, a message, or a revelation to share with his people. I have chosen Habakkuk 2:2 for you as I pray for you. “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” May your writing inspire, encourage and change lives! Amen?
As you might imagine, the tears started flowing as her words—His words—spoke straight to the heart of this writer.
Robyn’s smiling face was the first to welcome me as I entered the conference center for Speak Up—feeling a little intimidated and insecure.
It is a joy to host Robyn’s words here today.
Robyn Dykstra is a captivating national speaker and author of The Widow Wore Pink: A True Story of Life After Loss and the Transforming Power of a Loving God. Sought after for her faith and her humor, Robyn encourages, entertains and equips thousands of women annually at retreats, conferences, and special occasion functions across the U.S.
Blindsided to See Clearly
Have you ever been blindsided by life? From out of nowhere, you’re hit with bad news and in an instant it all changes.
- The marriage is over.
- The child’s addicted.
- The job ends.
- The car’s wrecked.
- The money’s gone.
- The diagnosis is pronounced.
And all you can wail is WHY?
I get it. It happened to me, too. I expected that since life went pretty well for me as a WILD CHILD, it would continue to go well for me as a CHURCH GIRL.
See, I didn’t reconcile my differences with Jesus until I was in my 30’s so I had plenty of time to test the boundaries of the law, my moral compass and whatever gods there were. As a Club Dancer, then a Playboy Bunny, I was offered everything a girl could want…in exchange for what every boy wants. I had money, cars and adoration.
Every kind of indulgence was available to me.
When the One True God led me out of that life and into one with Him, I naturally assumed that things would only get better. Wouldn’t you?
And, they did. For a while.
With my husband Jay, a beautiful Christian man, we produced two of his clones. Our children were healthy and smart and sniffy. Our house was nice, my car ran well. I taught Bible studies at our church while Jay contended for Salesman of the Year at a Fortune 500 Company.
I was livin’ the dream.
So, when I was instantly widowed (spoiler alert) TWICE in four years, I had a lot of questions for God. I asked, “Why?” but that really wasn’t what I wanted to know.
What I really wanted to know was:
The answers are in my book The Widow Wore Pink: A True Story of Life After Loss and the Transforming Power of a Loving God.
God was with me in every moment of the grief, the redemption and the restoration. He established His promises to me. Promises that are available to you as well.
He loves you.
- He is always with you.
- He is faithful.
- You can trust him.
- He has a good plan for your life.
- He can redeem any blindsided moment.
He will answer you when you cry out to him. You will find Him faithful in the details and big picture. You will see Him in your long days and your lonely nights. How do I know? Because He did for me.
It’s been twenty years since Jay died. My boys are grown, healthy, whole and love Jesus. I have the privilege as a Christian Speaker, to gleefully proclaim the Name of my Savior Jesus, to thousands of women desperate to know there is a God who loves them and who will lead them through their blindsided moment. Just like He will for you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. –Proverbs 3:5-6
Let’s Pray: God, I know you know. Help me trust and see you in the midst of my blindsided moment. I need to know you’re with me. Amen
With Hope,
The Widow Wore Pink (Book Review)
Robyn’s memoir, The Widow Wore Pink: A True Story of Life After Loss and the Transforming Power of a Loving God, is transparent, tragic and triumphant. Her compelling story keeps the pages turning. Through her Playboy Bunny days, numerous marriages and devastating losses, Robyn is living proof that God’s love pursues us and is faithful throughout all of life’s valleys, mountains and the spaces in between.
Head on over to Amazon to purchase your copy of Robyn’s book today.
I highly recommend Robyn’s book if you have experienced loss of someone you love, or a loss of faith. Robyn’s ability to speak the Truth cuts through any of the enemy’s lies. Robyn’s love for Jesus resounds in joy shared with whomever reads her book.
Hi Julie: Yes, I agree! Robyn’s book is a great tool and encouragement. Thanks for commenting.
Simple and reassuring words we need to remember all the time. Must check out this book.