It’s that time again! Time to highlight a ministry to encourage, give to and pray for.
Most Christian churches have a Sanctity of Life Sunday, where they talk about the importance and sacredness of life, at all stages.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
” -Psalm 139:14 (ESV)
In honor of that, we are featuring Life Choices Pregnancy Center as our recipient for Extension 26 this month.
Life Choices mission statement is to:
Protect life. Share truth. Empower our communities through education.”
I’m so thankful that pregnancy centers exist to support, care for and help expectant parents. Often these centers are criticized for advocating for the life but what a vital service they provide to the community.
These centers need our support to keep going and reach more people with the love and compassion of Christ.
Almost three years ago a young woman made the decision to carry her baby to term. She made a plan to place him for adoption. And we are so grateful.
You can read more about our adoption story here.
She and I, we both mother this one. She, so brave in the giving. Me, courageous in the receiving. Sometimes it is hard to share, but, He is helping us.” -excerpt from My Son Has Two Mothers
Dear God:
Thank you for the gift of life. Forgive us for not protecting the unborn, the disabled and the elderly. Help us to rally around those who advocate for life. Thank You for making us and the whole world too. Help us to see others through Your eyes and to extend Your grace and love to them. Forgive our complacency and reveal to each of us how we can help others who find themselves in desperate situations. We love You and thank You for the opportunity to support organizations like Life Choices.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Would you consider encouraging Life Choices today?
Click here to donate to Life Choices or give to your local pregnancy center.
P.S. Click here to view past Extension 26 recipients. To learn about the Pregnancy Center in Taiwan, click here.
Katie, my mom volunteers with Life Choices so your post really caught my eye. Thank you for being an advocate for theses precious souls!