Each summer my husband plays church league softball. I used to try to park as close to the field as possible until Adam explained that I might want to park further out so our car didn’t get hit by a fly ball. I also used to sit where I could get the best view, until Adam said I should remain behind the fence so I didn’t get a foul ball in the face.
Obviously I had a thing or two to learn about softball. Hubby’s perspective and advice helped keep me safe.
Just when we think we’ve found a good parking spot in life or an ideal seat among the crowd, life can throw us a curve ball.
Now, the curve ball isn’t always a bad thing, it can actually be just what is needed to keep us on our toes.
Last fall we were thrown a curve ball. We found out we were expecting. Our plan was to adopt again but God had a different plan. It only took about 3.5 seconds (or less) to rally behind His will.
By His grace we saw the beauty of the curve ball and embraced the unexpected.
But the curve balls of life are not always so warm and welcoming. They can catch us off-guard and even level us flat if we aren’t careful.
Maybe you’ve been pummeled by the unexpected in the form of a flood, false accusations, a difficult medical diagnosis, a big move, or a devastating loss.
If so, you are not alone. This lineup of bible characters can relate: Noah faced a flood, Joseph was falsely accused, Job experienced excruciating physical and emotional pain, Abraham left the familiar and moved in faith (not knowing where he was going) and Naomi experienced devastating loss.
The unexpected was costly, difficult, and life-altering for each of these biblical greats, yet their curve balls were used to prepare them for greater things than they could have fathomed. Salvation, sanctification, restoration, transformation, and redemption were ushered into their stories as their world was turned upside down.
Does your world feel upside down today? Let’s ask God for His perspective and advice as we face the unexpected. Let’s go to His Word to keep us grounded in hope.
Here are 3 timeless truths to help us stand tall when the curve balls of life come our way:
Psalm 13:5 “But I trust in Your unfailing love, my heart rejoices in Your salvation.”
Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.”
Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Dear God: Thank You that You hold us close, and that we are not alone. Thank You that You know best and that You use the unexpected to mold and shape us. Thank You that You are Faithful and True. Even when our future feels uncertain, we know that You know all and that You don’t change. Be our Rock that we can stand upon when the waters rise. Be our Comforter when we feel forgotten and invisible. Be our Hope as we face hardship and heartache. Be our Security when you call us to walk in faith and leave our comfort zone. Be our Provider as we face difficult times. You are in charge and we choose today to trust You, no matter what. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
P.S. My friend Cindy Bultema inspired this post through her reflections on curve balls.

Thank you for hosting!
You are most welcome Debbie. 🙂
Wonderful truths, Katie. And what beauty and preciousness can come from a curve ball!! She’s adorable. Thinking of you often, and praying for you today. Bless you, sweet friend!
Thanks Julie- good to “see” you. We think our curveball is cute too. 🙂 Hope you have a fantastic summer! Love seeing your bike pics.
Wow, Katie! It’s true that those Bible characters went through everything we face today. I love those timeless truths. I’m going to stand upon these today. Stand a little taller. 🙂 And your new baby is beautiful. Enjoy. May God give you abundant grace. I can imagine you’re needing it about now.
Hi Betsy: Yes, so glad we have examples of others who have gone through things that we face and made it through with God. So thankful for you! Yes, grace upon grace. 😉
“Salvation, sanctification, restoration, transformation, and redemption were ushered into their stories as their world was turned upside down.” I love how you brought that out. And His promises are a great glove to catch those curve balls.
Hi Kelly- Great insights, thank you, “His promises are a great glove to catch those curve balls.” 🙂
What a beauty she is, Katie! (A sweet curveball at that.) Curveballs are boogers, and sometimes I simply stand there staring at them. It’s surprise, I think? Trust in God, however, is a sure hit. Love the scriptures you noted above, especially PS 56:3.
Hi Kristi! Love what you said, “trust in God is a sure hit!” 🙂
Thank you for those encouraging verses. I am watching the curve ball come at me this week. I am trusting God to make the catch!
Yes Kelly- “trust God to make the catch!” 🙂
Thank you for hosting today, Katie. When we have those unwelcome curve balls thrown our way, it’s so easy to question. But the examples you shared here give hope when things look hopeless. Beautiful post!
Hi Kristine- Excited to share your words later this summer. So thankful for the hope He provides. What would we do without it, without Him?
Katie! I love this post! Trusting God is the answer to all of life’s curve balls! And the change ups… times when we are just waiting for the ball to roll in across the plate! Many blessings and thank you for hosting today! xo
Hi Liz: “Trusting God is the answer to all of life’s curve balls!” yes indeed. 🙂
Katie – such a great post today and speaks to right where our family is at with curve balls being thrown. I say… “when life throws you a curve ball – swing for the fence!” What a wonderful blessing and reminder you have of Gods plans and faithfulness as you look upon your precious little ones face every single day…It is a constant reminder for you and now us of Gods amazing favor and blessing. So glad you are hosting the #RaRaLinkup today.
Thank you for your sweet words Debbie. We are overwhelmed with both joy and sleep deprivation 😉 at the “curve ball” got threw our way. May you be encouraged as you trust the Pitcher. 🙂
Wonderful post Katie! Thank you for hosting today!
Hi Kelly- You are most welcome. Happy Tuesday to you!
I love all 3 of those verses, Katie. I’m sure what feels like a curve ball to us is a straight pitch from our good God who knows our way and leads us there so faithfully! Thank you for hosting today!
HI Lisa: So glad we know and follow the Faithful God! Thanks for linking up. 🙂
I simply LOVE it when you write!! Curve balls- whew- they can come out of no-where. Ah, but the glory held within each one is breathtaking. It’s all a matter of perspective. Love you friend, thank you for hosting today!!
Thank you for the encouragement dear Brandi!
Thank you for hosting and congrats on your blessing! 🙂
Thank you for hosting and congrats on your recent blessing too! 🙂
Thank you Stacey- glad you are here!
This post really resonates for me because I’ve had boys squatting behind home plate providing a target for those curve balls, and they seem just like that when they come to us metaphorically.
Blessings, and thank you for the precious pictures as well.
Hi Michele: The catcher’s work is sure important and not easy. So glad that God upholds us when those change-ups come our way. 🙂
What a great post! Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Thanks for hosting and hope you have a wonderful week 🙂
Thank you Kelly. Hope you had a great week and happy writing!
Your post is perfect timing for me, Katie, and “hope” has come to me from two different directions the last couple of days. Love how God does that. Your prayer: Be our Security when you call us to walk in faith and leave our comfort zone is my prayer as we pack up our belongings and put everything into storage this week. Our house is sold and we have no firm plans after the middle of July… Congratulations on your beautiful baby.
Wow Rachel- May God continue to uphold you as you follow Him and walk in faith during this transition.
What a beautiful curve ball you were thrown! Love that sweet little face. Yes, I’ve had some great curve balls and some hard ones too, but knowing that God will keep me in my safe place makes them all okay.
Hi Lisa- Yes, so glad that God holds us close whether the curve balls are great or hard. Thanks for being a part of the #RaRaLinkup 🙂
I am so glad that I bookmarked this post to come back and read when I had more time. Your sweet curve ball wisdom put a huge smile on my face today in the middle of a crazy season. Thank you (and that little one is beautiful!)