It’s easy to take our freedom for granted. So today we are pausing to remember and celebrate the gift of freedom that has been bestowed upon us.
Let’s be good stewards of the gifts that God has given and follow His lead, not acting independently of Him.
Dear God:
Thank You for the freedom that You have given us. Too often we live chained to insecurities, hurts, and fears. Would You help us move forward today? You hold the keys to set us free from that which holds us back.
You have given us the gifts of breath, time, and creativity. May we be good stewards and use these gifts for Your glory and fame. May we follow Your lead—not running ahead nor lagging behind. May we keep in step with Your Spirit.
Thank You for the ideas that You have placed within us. Thank You for the talents that You have given.
Please forgive us for operating independently of You. We have no good thing apart from You. We are in desperate need of You.
There are wonderful aspects to being a dreamer. Help us not be prideful when things are going well. There are challenging things about being a dreamer. Help us not to give up when we face obstacles. Whether we find ourselves on the heights, depths, or somewhere in between, may we stay the course as You lead the way.
Thank You that we are not alone on this journey. Help us to reach out to others and encourage them as they move forward. May we not minimize nor idolize the dreams of others, but encourage them to be faithful to the path set before them.
On this Independence Day, may we remember all the dreamers that have gone before us. May we honor their sacrifice by being faithful with both the little and the big. Forgive us for minimizing the ordinary and the small. Help us to remember that small might be the new big after all.
May we depend on You to help us when we feel like giving up.
For the rest of the Freedom Prayer for Dreamers, join me over at God-sized Dreams…
P.S. Congrats to Michelle C. for winning “Like a River for Its Course Novel” by Kelli Stuart. If you didn’t win, you can pick up a copy of the book here.
Hope you had a wonderful celebration.
Hope you have a great day Lux. 🙂
Beautiful prayer, Katie! I find too often I am running ahead when I need to just be running beside our Father. This prayer helps me remember to enjoy the journey — not the destination!
Thank you for this heartfelt and beautiful prayer Katie. I am thankful for the freedoms in this country and my freedom in Christ to live for Him! Blessings to you and yours!