I’m so happy I could cry—seriously. It feels good to be among friends and help two of them celebrate big things!
Kate Motaung is celebrating two years of hosting the Five Minute Friday Community and we’re also celebrating the release of Jennifer Dukes Lee’s new book, The Happiness Dare.
Be sure to come back here on Tuesday where I’ll share an exclusive interview with Jennifer and there will be a fun surprise too!
I haven’t done a Five Minute Friday prompt since June 12, 2015! I might be a bit rusty but that’s part of the fun. Join us over on Kate’s blog and link-up your post on the word, HAPPY. 🙂
Your Face Will Surely Show It
We’ve faced a lot of hard things lately—maybe not directly, but our friends’ heartache has impacted us. I saw it in their son’s eyes the other day. Distance, sadness.
And then my little guy had sad eyes today too.
Hubby and I went on our date last night and attempted our first real Facebook Live video for Stop! Hammock Time (our weekly marriage broadcasts). When I watched the replay—to make sure we weren’t too lame or weird—I noticed that my face looked happy. My eyes lit up and I looked like I was truly enjoying myself, which I was.
You see, for a strong Choleric with Melancholy as a close second, joy is something I fight for. I am naturally a glass half empty person…or more like, “Oh no! I might run out of water and what if I can’t get more?!” type of gal.
I stopped by the house of an always happy type the other day and my pessimistic tendencies were a stark contrast to Ms. Happy.
But you know what? instead of despising my wiring, I’m asking the Holy Spirit to use it for His purposes. Melancholies can produce great art and evoke happiness in others with their creativity. It’s no surprise that this Choleric scored “Doer” as her happiness style.
Jennifer’s book, The Happiness Dare, has helped me see that I don’t have to try and be someone else. I just find happiness in doing and working, unlike some others do.
But it’s okay, because God knew what He was doing when He wired and wove each of us.
We can be grateful for the ways we uniquely experience happiness.
May our faces not be afraid to show sadness and happiness, for we can bring Him glory as we live true to our design.
Want to know what your Happiness Style is? Head on over to take the quiz—it’s quick, fun, and insightful! Let me know what your style is in the comments. 🙂 It’ll make me HAPPY!
P.S. Linking up with Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory, come on over!
“I don’t have to try and be someone else. I just find happiness in doing and working, unlike some others do.”
Loved this, Katie! And even better that I’m right behind you this week. I didn’t realize you’d been gone for a year!
I’d heard more than once “comparison is the thief of joy” and truly believe it. Although, on the surface I may be Ms. Happy, I don’t let a lot of people into the not happy. I took a pledge not to complain on Facebook after working through toddlerhood with especially challenging children. This gives a false impression at times to others, but I appreciate your steadfast joy that comes from consistency.
Truly, you are a gift and a blessing!
(#7 and blessed to follow you this week)
You are welcome Tammy. Thank you for sharing your heart and insights with us.
Great post, Katie…but I am the archetype of the Inscrutable Oriental. No one knows whether I’m happy, sad, distraught, or whatever.
Kind of like Gary Larson’s ‘Far Side cartoon on how to recognize the moods of a Golden Retriever. Mr. Larson has asked that his original cartoons not be widely reproduced, but someone came up with a photographic representation – hope it’s OK that I share the link:
It’s nice to see you again, Katie. You have been missed.
#1 at FMF this week.
Yeah, and I’m an idiot. The URL for my FMF post is most certainly not to be found on Flickr. It’s this.
I am a relater!! I already knew this before taking the quiz though. I have loved this book and being on the launch team with everyone. I am going to be sad when it goes dark.
We can be grateful for the ways we uniquely experience happiness. (love this, Katie, you are so wise!!)
your fmf friend parked at number eight this week
Hi Miranda: Such a fun launch team, eh? Yeah for being a “Relater”, enjoy your people this weekend. 🙂
THIS: “We can be grateful for the ways we uniquely experience happiness.” I’m a giver with relater being only one point behind.
Hi Tara- Adam is a “giver” too, I’m sure. Have a great weekend as you experience happiness in special ways. 🙂
I’m a Doer too! It is tempting to compare our ways of processing and interacting with the world with those around us, but it really never leads to anything good, hey? Not that knowing that saves me from doing it at times! Well done finding your own path to joy and happiness 🙂 I’m totally a broken record on this, but have you ever done the Enneagram before? I have found it so freeing to find out my type and the strengths (and weaknesses) that go along with being a Type 1 (Perfectionist/Reformer)… anyway, just thought I’d mention it in case it is helpful!
Doers, unite! Thanks for commenting Emma.
I can relate! Sometimes I want to be someone else and always be positive about everything, but I am way too nostalgic for that…
I guess we can only be ourselves and ask God to mold our hearts to be more grateful and see more of him instead of all our problems.
Welcome back to the community! Have a great weekend!
Thank you Katha- yes, He knows us intimately and is not surprised by our temperaments. So thankful that His Spirit can soften us and how God can use our wirings for His glory.
Thank you so much for joining the celebration, dear friend! I personally think you radiate joy and happiness much more than you may think you do. 🙂
And has it really been over a year since your last FMF?! So honored that you came back to celebrate with us!
Wise words about happiness here. Can’t wait to read your interview with Jennifer! Thanks again for jumping in! xx
Congrats friend! And thanks. 😉
Great post, Katie. And yes, you did look happy in your Live post. It warmed my heart to hear your voice and see your smiling face. I especially love your words: “May our faces not be afraid to show sadness and happiness, for we can bring Him glory as we live true to our design.” Amen! Praying we each continue to find our happiness in Him. Bless you, friend!