Welcome to Day #3 of the Grounded Series!
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On Mondays, twelve year old Brooke will be addressing a part of tweendom that drives her crazy. Today, she is tackling the topic of chores.
Hey Mom,
I know I sometimes bother you about this topic, but, I was wondering…
Okay, I get that it is to help keep the house clean, but, I just don’t like the whole “Do it before you eat” or “You can’t go to your friends house till you do it” thing. Why can’t my brothers switch chores with me?? They get all the easy jobs!! I wish chores never existed!
While you are thinking about how to answer all those questions; I found a couple verses that talk about working (or in this case, chores). ; )
Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” -Proverbs 16:3
So, what does that mean? Let’s try to understand this verse. “Commit your works to the Lord…….” Uh, okay. Commit. What does that mean?
Commitment; (or commit):
Making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause. Before you make a commitment, think carefully. A commitment obligates you to do something.
I found this definition at: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/commitment
So, I should Commit, or, Dedicate, my works to God. How?
Let’s see, maybe, I should do it with a happy attitude? Yeah!! That can help make chore-doing a little easier.
Now, “……your plans will be established” What plans?? I don’t have many plans, except for going to my friend’s birthday party and a soccer game this week. So God will establish my B-day party plans and my Sunday soccer game?
First, let’s learn what Establish means.
To establish something means to begin it or bring it about.
I found this definition at: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/establish
So God will Establish, or Begin, my plans? Sweet! Have we got the idea of that verse? Okay! Here’s another one:
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28
Now this is a little bit easier to understand! “…We know that God causes all things to work together.” Well yeah? He made it right?
Okay, so now, it says “…for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” Sweet! I love God, so I am called according to his purpose!! Doesn’t that feel amazing?! You can do your works for him. You are called according to his purpose!! You are an official Daughter of the King when you give your life to him. When you give your all to him, you are now being called to do his works!! You can do your work, (or chores), to honor him! (and your parents).
So, remember: Do your chores with a happy heart and an exited attitude!! It will bring joy to you, God and your family!! : )
Stay Grounded in Love,
~Brooklyn <3
Brooke is an out-going and dynamic twelve year old. She enjoys baking treats (read her cooking blog here) and riding horses (visit her horse blog here). She has been in numerous plays, and has sent in audition tapes for a movie and two kids’ cooking shows. Brooke is at home around large groups of people (good thing she has a big family). She loves trying new things (especially if it’s food)! Brooke hopes to visit Paris someday and master the art of the macaroon.
Catch up on the rest of the Grounded Series and come back tomorrow as Brooke’s mom addresses the topic of chores from a mother’s perspective.
You’re a very wise 12 year old. Blessings 🙂