Hi, it’s Brooke! So glad you could join us today! It’s Day #21 of the Grounded Series!
For all you readers, who don’t have tweens or this series doesn’t seem to apply to you, hang on, my Mom will be back next month with her usual kinds of posts. She won’t always write about tweens, but I sure am glad she is this month. It’s fun for us to do this together and we hope that you are having fun too and will pass along this series to other people you know.
If you are not yet a blog subscriber, today would be a good time to do that (just enter your email address in the box on the top right of the blog). We are keeping track of all of you and will be drawing one of your names to win a Mother/Daughter prize pack!
Today I’m telling you about a fun series of books. 🙂
Sierra Jensen Book Series Review
My Mom and aunts read the Sierra Jensen series by Robin Jones Gunn when they were growing up. My Grammy still had the books and let me borrow them this summer.
I read through them quickly and loved them!
Who: (or who wrote it) Robin Jones Gunn
What: (what the books are about) This series is about Sierra and the issues that she has with friends, faith, and a boy named Paul. My favorite part was how cool these books were. Even though they were written awhile ago, they were fun to read.
This is how the series is described on the author’s website:
Sierra is the bold, free-spirited type. She’s cute, she’s fun, and she’s following God.
When: (when was it published) Newer volume editions published in 2006
Where: (or who published it)Multnomah Publishers
Why: (the purpose of it) To encourage tween and teen girls in their faith, and to have fun doing it (at least that’s what I think)!

Image via robingunn.com
This is more about the author, Robin Jones Gunn, from her website bio:
ROBIN JONES GUNN is the much loved author of the popular Christy Miller series for teens and Sisterchicks® novels as well as non-fiction favorites such as Victim of Grace and Spoken For. Her 90 books have sold nearly 5 million copies worldwide. Robin is a frequent speaker at local and international events. She and her husband live in Hawaii where she continues to write her little heart out.
Go checkout the Sierra Jensen series.
Stay Grounded in Love,
~Brooklyn <3 😀 😮 😉
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I am glad another generation is enjoying these books, Brooke!
Thank you for sharing them with her Mom! So glad you kept them .:-)