First of all, congrats to Rhonda M., winner of the Krafty Kash necklace!
Now, it’s time for some mail. Grab a cozy blanket and enjoy the warmth of His love as you unravel grace.
Dear Tightly Wound Woman*:
I see you there, love…my try-hard girl, my striving for the “A” daughter, the Type A woman—the Martha type who handles it all.
You are My creation—painted with the brushstrokes of grace upon breathtaking landscape.
I know how hard you work…rising early, staying up late, constantly stirring thoughts around like stew, looking for the perfect blend to make it all right.
You are not an orphan, but an heir—privy to the inheritance that I died to give you.
Through each season, you strive to keep it all together—polished, shiny, bright.
You strive to measure up. You scurry to keep up. You fear messing up. You dread fessing up.
Can I let you in on a little secret? You don’t have to be flawless.
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.” –Psalm 18:32
Can I reassure you, this day? You don’t have to earn that which has been freely given.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 6:23
I AM perfect, so you don’t have to be. I AM enough, so you don’t have to do more.
The easy A is yours. That which you are striving for has already been done.
You can stop studying. You can stop counting. You can rest.
You don’t gain or lose your value based on how you perform. You don’t lose your edge as you age.
Since you are in Christ, by faith, you have 100% approval because of the finished work of Christ.
It’s like you are receiving the perfect score that has been accomplished by the star pupil. Jesus’ perfect sacrifice and your acceptance of it, declares you righteous. Your bad marks are gone—as far as the east is from the west—your sins are forgiven, forever.
Why? Because Jesus paid the price, once and for all, for you.
You are adored, accepted, approved—the object of His affection.
Stop living like you are less than, cast off, abandoned, invisible, ignored, and rejected.
You are complete, received, cherished, seen, delighted in, and chosen.
Why? Because Jesus died for your not enough…for your transgressions.
He answered your need with His Provision. He responded to your lack with His “enough”. He made a way through the darkness, so that you could live in the Light—forever.
The Gospel is true. Grace is enough.
Why would you turn away from the simplicity of the good news?
I know it might seem too good to be true, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
You can rest. You can breathe deeply. Relax. Smile. You are saved through the blood of Jesus and you are clean.
Like the winter snow, you are sparkling like a diamond…radiant, loved.
You don’t have to keep apologizing. You are already forgiven. You don’t have to keep up appearances. You can live unveiled, because the veil has been torn, and Jesus made a way for you to be reconciled to the Father.
Like the prodigal returning, you are celebrated. Like the older brother, be reminded that all I have is (already) yours.
You don’t have to keep performing. The greatest act of all time has been accomplished.
Salvation? Done!
Redemption? Given!
I’m not mad at you. I’m not shaking My head at you.
Your salvation was settled the moment you believed in My Son, by faith. Your redemption is irrevocable. Stop worrying that you can lose that which I have given. I’m not going anywhere.
You are welcome here—in My embrace you belong.
Enjoy this day, for I enjoy you.
*This “tightly wound” title refers to those of us who are a little uptight on the inside but mostly it’s a label to be plastered on proud because we are women who are tightly wound to His side.
We are women who are convinced of Christ’s love. We accept His invitation to be who He has created us to be—beloved daughters—called, according to His purposes.
We are strong women—bold and beautiful. We are committed to finding grace in the unraveling of life. Striving is replaced by settled because Jesus’ finished work on the cross is enough to save, keep, and lead us. We choose to trust God and rest in His care. We are full of joy and peace, because Christ dwells within—the hope of glory!
We lay our hangups and wounds at His feet. We go forward in freedom because we are wound up in a Love that has no bounds.
P.S. Get caught up on the other Letters to the Tightly Wound Woman:
January: Listen Close, Listen Well
February: Finishing Well
March: Slowing Down
April: Sweet Words
May: Breakthrough
Summer: Waking Up
November: Grace Enough
P.P.S. Linking up with Kelly Balarie for the #RaRaLinkup
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I’ve got to go back and read some more of these letters!
Thanks for magnifying the truth of the Gospel in these words of comfort and joy!
You are welcome Michele. 🙂 Thank you for reading.
Oh, how beautiful this is! I’m so grateful to visit from #RaRaLinkup today and be reminded of God’s beautiful love. And even more than that, to be reminded that I’m not alone. I’m not the only one struggling to make it all work, striving to get it all done and be everything to everyone. When we’re tightly wound it can feel very lonely with all that tightness. Thank you for showing me I’m not alone.
So glad you were encouraged, Becky. Not alone. 🙂