Dear Daughter:
I see you there, love…my try-hard girl, my striving for the “A” daughter, the Type A woman—the Martha type who handles it all.
You are My creation—painted with the brushstrokes of grace upon breathtaking landscape.
I know how hard you work…rising early, staying up late, constantly stirring thoughts around like stew, looking for the perfect blend to make it all right.
You are not an orphan, but an heir—privy to the inheritance that I died to give you.
Through each season, you strive to keep it all together—polished, shiny, bright.
You strive to measure up. You scurry to keep up. You fear messing up. You dread fessing up.
Can I let you in on a little secret? You don’t have to be flawless.
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.” –Psalm 18:32 Share on X
Can I reassure you, this day? You don’t have to earn that which has been freely given.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 6:23
I AM perfect, so you don’t have to be. I AM enough, so you don’t have to do more.
The easy A is yours. That which you are striving for has already been done.
You can stop studying. You can stop counting. You can rest.
You don’t gain or lose your value based on how you perform. You don’t lose your edge as you age.
Since you are in Christ, by faith, you have 100% approval because of the finished work of Christ.
It’s like you are receiving the perfect score that has been accomplished by the star pupil. Jesus’ perfect sacrifice and your acceptance of it, declares you righteous. Your bad marks are gone—as far as the east is from the west—your sins are forgiven, forever.
Why? Because Jesus paid the price, once and for all, for you.
You are adored, accepted, approved—the object of His affection.
Stop living like you are less than, cast off, abandoned, invisible, ignored, and rejected.
You are complete, received, cherished, seen, delighted in, and chosen.
Why? Because Jesus died for your not enough…for your transgressions.
He answered your need with His Provision. He responded to your lack with His “enough”. He made a way through the darkness, so that you could live in the Light—forever.
The Gospel is true. Grace is enough. Share on XWhy would you turn away from the simplicity of the good news?
I know it might seem too good to be true, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
You can rest. You can breathe deeply. Relax. Smile. You are saved through the blood of Jesus and you are clean.
You don’t have to keep apologizing. You are already forgiven. You don’t have to keep up appearances. You can live unveiled, because the veil has been torn, and Jesus made a way for you to be reconciled to the Father.
Like the prodigal returning, you are celebrated. Like the older brother, be reminded that all I have is (already) yours.
You don’t have to keep performing. The greatest act of all time has been accomplished.
Salvation? Done!
Redemption? Given!
I’m not mad at you. I’m not shaking My head at you.
Your salvation was settled the moment you believed in My Son, by faith. Your redemption is irrevocable. Stop worrying that you can lose that which I have given. I’m not going anywhere.
You are welcome here—in My embrace you belong.
Enjoy this day, for I enjoy you.
Now it’s your turn! Add your encouraging post below for the #RaRaLinkup:
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We’ve read it, heard it – Jesus died to make us perfect. It’s His blood that does the perfecting – but do we really internalize it and believe it? Based on all of us perfectionists running around out here, I think not. As a recovering perfectionist who tried so long to strive and earn God’s approval, it’s really hitting home, His GRACE IS ENOUGH. Beautiful post and may that Truth really sink into our hearts!
Bev xx
Hi Bev! Nice to see your smiling face here. Yes, I agree…it’s something we often forget but yes, His grace is enough indeed. 🙂
How often I forget that it’s already done. All my striving is for something He has already completed. I just forget. I don’t see it. But He does. And His grace is always enough. Amen!
HI Becky: Yes, I forget too. So thankful for His grace, even in that. 😉
Oh Katie, what a beautiful letter. So many powerful statements here, friend. I love this one: “you don’t lose your edge as you age.” Good news here today. Thank you!
Hi Betsy!
So nice to see you here, friend. So thankful for this good news! 😉
I need to read these words every. single. day. I am slowly learning they are true, but reading them daily helps.
Hi Debbie: Thanks for your honesty. Me too. 🙂
I’m studying Romans 8 right now to present to the sweet ladies in my church, and it’s doing my heart good in the same way that your words today have. There’s nothing more amazing than God’s offer of righteousness in Christ, and I don’t need to add one thing to it.
Hi Michele:
Romans is so good! We are studying it in our Bible Study too. Such freedom when we really grasp what He has already done. 🙂
This Type A girl needs to hear the message of grace over and over. Thanks for reminding me again 🙂
Praying this message of His unconditional love has a far reach.
~Sherry Stahl
Hi Sherry: Yes…me too! And thank you. 😉
You’re welcome girl 🙂
Thank you for this. I am learning to love myself as God loves me, see myself as he sees me. Most of all to see people as He sees them.
Hi Maia: This is a beautiful. Thank you.
I so needed to read this today, thank you so much for the reminder I don’t have to be perfect because He is….and that He completed it a long time ago; His grace is sufficient.
God bless you and all you do for Him
Thank you, Jennifer: Glad you were encouraged. Hope you have a great week—enjoying His unconditional love.
Hi Katie ,
This is such Beautiful letter and resonates with me ! As most women , I too and striving for perfection, knowing we are all perfectly imperfect and god Grace is enough is what I keep reminding myself . I think this is a tough one for us women , but I know once I realize this and practice this more , my life Will be less stressful and my body less weak !
We are all beautiful, perfectly imperfect Daughters in Christ !
Hi Jen: Thanks for reading. Glad you were encouraged. It is hard but God is able to help us move this truth from head to heart. He is faithful. He is enough. And I’m so glad for His grace…even (and as I often) as I forget His faithfulness.
So, so good, Katie! Heirs not orphans… that makes ALL the difference, doesn’t it?
Hi Friend: Yes, indeed! So thankful to be a daughter…slave no longer!
Amen, amen, amen! What a powerful reminder and much needed message for the time we are living in. Love you, sister!
Thank you, my friend. Your encouragement is wind in my sails. 😉 Shine on…”the world needs your words.”
I’m not a recovering perfectionist – I’m the one who wasn’t but worked hard to try to be a perfectionist. I lived in a cycle of perceived perpetual failure – until God showed me what you are talking about. That I just have to be who he designed me to be in the grace he has designed for me. Everything changed then – so very much!
So glad God set you free!
What a beautiful message that we all need to hear: we don’t have to be flawless. We are all human. We all make mistakes. Today it’s my turn. Thanks for sharing this, Katie!
Hi Lisa: For some reason I try to shed that human thing with all my attempts at perfecting. So glad for the freedom His grace and love brings. Thanks for being a part of the linkup!
His grace is sufficient and I’m glad He’s perfect.
Hi Rebecca: Glad to see you! And yes, me too. So thankful! Have a great day. 🙂
Thank you for this beautiful reminder of God’s perfect love for us. Many women struggle with feeling like they are not enough. We are bombarded by the world with images, words and ideas of the perfect woman. The truth is every woman has the opportunity to be flawless in God’s eyes. Sometimes I find it hard to rest in that because it is too big for me to comprehend. During those times, I pray and meditate on God’s ultimate sacrifice – His Son, Jesus. He is the Source of our worthiness.
Hi Virginia: So thankful that He can help us to rest in what He has done. 🙂
Beautiful and powerful post, Katie. Love this line, “I AM perfect, so you don’t have to be. I AM enough, so you don’t have to do more.” Hugs sweet friend.
Hi Friend: So nice to see you! 😉 So thankful He is enough for our not enough!
Such a powerful post! Oh how often do try to compare ourselves to everyone else; thinking we are not enough. But the truth is we are indeed enough. God made us each uniquely.
Hi Tara: Thank you and yes, we are each made uniquely by a creative God. So glad He made you!
I read somewhere that we’re all legalists, at heart. We tend to be that way with others and with ourselves. Thanks for reminding us that the gospel is enough. It truly is finished. Now our obedience is out of our love for Him, not trying to earn it. So it’s love-motivated and grace-empowered.
Hi Donna: Ooo, I like that “love-motivated and grace-empowered.” 🙂
I loved this, Katie. We all need to be reminded about how very much God loves us and how He views us. Thanks for these words that keep my mind on the reality that I don’t have to try harder to be loved. God already loves me as I am. Right this moment.
Hi Jeanne: Amen, I love that, “I don’t have to try hard to be loved.” So thankful for His lavish grace. What a gift…with no strings attached. 😉
Definitely an area I struggle against. I strive so hard when I need to just rest. I am learning but I will always be a work in progress. Your words were right on this morning. Thank you.
Hi Maree:
You are welcome. So thankful for His grace.