Welcome to Week #9 of the Made Like Martha mobile book club!
We hope you enjoy our time together, as we dig into this message of grace and freedom. As we discuss each chapter of Made Like Martha, I’ve invited some of my writing friends to take turns hosting our mobile book club, at their place.
We’ll also interact over in the Made Like Martha Sisterhood (Facebook Group), so be sure to join it, if you haven’t yet. Today’s host will be joining me tomorrow, around 2:15pm EST, in our Facebook Group, for a live chat about Chapter 9, on Wednesday, September 19th.
We look forward to getting to know you better as we read, chat, and interact.
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In case you haven’t ordered one yet, grab a copy of Made Like Martha (paperback, ebook, or audio version) today. We’ll be discussing Chapter 10, next Tuesday.
Our host for this week is the lovely, creative, smart, and fun, Tracy Steel. Tracy cares deeply about people, has an eye for design, and is passionate about God. Let’s give a warm welcome to this get-it-done gal!
Book Club Week #9
It was a warm, summer day. My son had taken to creating a pile of woodchips at the end of a slide, on the playground near our home. I watched him stack the woodchips into a couple of piles that fancied him, and then run off to conquer the swings.
All was well, until another little girl decided to go down the slide. As she neared the bottom of the slide she went through the tiny pile of woodchips that my son had left behind. She started to cry. Her mom came running. I remember the way her eyes glared at me and the way the words, “Who would let their kid do such a thing?” sounded and felt. She was clearly upset with me and glared at my son, who thankfully, was oblivious to what was going on.
I sat there stunned. What was the big deal? The little girl was not bleeding. My son did not set out to hurt her with a pile of woodchips. I wanted to open my mouth and unleash some sass, but felt the Holy Spirit say to my heart, “sit and be still.” It was hard but I stuffed my sass and tried to smile whenever my little guy called out to me from the swings.
Eventually my son tired of the swinging and made his way to the top of the fort-like, wooden playset. He was content, minding his own business by one of those tall, metal poles you grab onto and slide down. And here came the little girl again, headed in the direction of where my son was playing.
I started calling down the angel armies of Heaven y’all.
Please little man, do not look at her or breathe in her direction, I whispered under my breath. The mom, who still looked annoyed, went over by the bottom of the pole and asked her daughter to slide down it and into her arms. The little girl was scared and started to cry again.
Then it happened…
Read the rest of Tracy’s post and access this week’s book club question over here…
Good News for Parents
Speaking of parenting, I don’t want you to miss out on the Understand Your Teen Summit!
Over 50 different Christian authors and thoughts leaders joined me in sharing their unique insight with you. Featured speakers include Dr. Rick Warren, David Platt, Bianca Olthoff, Dr. Gary Chapman, and many others.
Registration is now open for this FREE online parenting summit. Save your seat for September 20th and get ready to dive deep into understanding your teen!
P.S. If you haven’t entered yet, there’s still a little time left to win the digital audiobook of Made Like Martha, over here. And don’t miss out on this major giveaway either!
Read these great posts from the other book club hosts:
Made Like Martha Book Club Chapter 1 (with Vanessa Hunt)
Made Like Martha Book Club, Chapter 2 (with Betsy de Cruz)
Made Like Martha Book Club, Chapter 3 (with Kristin Funston)
Made Like Martha Book Club, Chapter 4 (with Dalene Reyburn)
Made Like Martha Book Club, Chapter 5 (with Jen Weaver)
Made Like Martha Book Club, Chapter 6 (Jami Amerine)
Made Like Martha Book Club, Chapter 7 (Tessa Kirby)
Made Like Martha Boob Club, Chapter 8 (Niki Hardy)