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Daughter Song Delivery
Discouragement and loneliness were unfortunate companions against a chilly November sky. I pushed the sanctuary door open, with a sigh.
My friend was waiting for me. Before we began the much-anticipated project, I named the heaviness tethered to my heart.
She listened.
Unfiltered, I poured out the cloudiness within because I felt safe with my fellow creative.
She nodded.
This emptying exercise—the exhale—was necessary in order to focus on the task at hand.
And then we began…
Let me be clear, my friend, Niki Homan, is a seasoned songwriter. She births songs from deep places on a regular basis. She is well-versed in the craft of songwriting because she listens and nods when God speaks to her heart, and she says yes to Him, over and over again.
She served as a doula to this Daughter song—inviting her to take form, reminding her to speak out what had been whispered and realized, encouraging her to stand on her own two feet.
A song was born—an anthem for the try-hard daughters, a declaration of freedom for those who feel like they're never-enough. Share on XWhat started out as One Word not only turned into a book, but also a song.
Here is a sneak peak of the Daughter song lyrics:
I carry the world upon my shoulders
I trudge along—a good little soldier
Pressing on to hear you say, “Well done.”
Wondering if all I do, is enough
I check off my list of obligations
I strive to meet their expectations
Doing all I can to earn their love
Wondering if who I am, is enough
But my name is His Daughter and I call Him, My Father
No longer a slave, I’m clothed in His grace
Adopted in love, purchased by His blood
When it’s all said and done, He is enough
Big thanks to Niki Homan, Aaron Shell of PURESOUND Studio, and his wife, Esther, for lending their talents to this project.
The Daughter song is now available for purchase.
And checkout Niki Homan’s AMAZING album, Uncaged, while you’re there.
In Your Nose, Out Your Mouth
Take a deep cleansing breath. That’s what my choral director from college said when we warmed up to sing.
Inhale, up. Exhale, down. That’s what Shaun T. says on my crazy workout videos.
Breathe in for 3 and out for 10. That’s what our birthing class instructor said as we prepared for childbirth.
But I breathe shallow most of the time. I let the cares of life and the pace of ambition dictate my respiratory patterns. I need to slow down, inhale deep, and let God be on the throne of Heaven and my heart.
I scurry and hurry and drop and plop and need to come up for air.
The breath of God is in my nostrils, yet I often take it for granted.
As a get-it-done gal, who lives quite frantically most of the time, I want to be made well.
I don’t want my shallow breathing to lead to shallow living, so I pause and ponder what it is that God is speaking to this try-hard heart. Share on X
When faced with the unexpected twists and turns of life, we often pant or push. But what if we learned to breathe deeply and rest in the care of our Creator, regardless of our circumstances?
Honored to be guest posting at Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s place today, as we talk about Deep Breaths for Hard-Working Women…
P.S. You can hear Niki Homan sing, live, and I’ll be on the speaking panel, at the She Found Joy Ladies Night Out in Elkhart, IN. I’ll also be speaking at the Nashville event too (along with the authors and speakers, pictured below: Lauren Gaskill, Barb Roose, Heather Dixon, Sarah Philpott, Bekah Pogue, and Stephanie May Wilson). Tickets are selling fast, so don’t delay!