As a recovering perfectionist, I can be hard on myself when it comes to resting in the “right” way—whatever that is. But I’m realizing that I am way harder on myself than necessary, at times.
Recently, I was trying to make a decision that didn’t have a clear cut answer. I usually prefer when things are straight-froward and the expectations are clear. But, in this particular instance, it seemed like I could choose either option and it would be okay. This was difficult for me.
Here’s what I needed to remember:
Dear Hard-Working Woman:
For years you’ve lived like a slave, trying to please your Master. You’ve worked hard…striving to be enough, trying to earn favor and stay in good graces.
You’ve tried to obey and you’ve tried to honor Me.
Your try-hard soul is weary from hustling to measure up. You get frustrated when you fall short and discouraged when you fall down. You are fed up with this “never enough” lifestyle.
I invite you to get off of the treadmill of toil. There is a better way to live. And it doesn’t require more discipline, more effort, or more sweat. Share on X
It starts with a change of heart. And then a name change. Since you are in Christ, you are no longer a slave, My child. You are a daughter. My Daughter.
Everything I have is yours.
You are not sinner but saint, not prodigal but pardoned, not hired-help but royalty.
You already have My pleasure, My favor, and My grace. Lavished. Loved. Never alone.
Your try-hard soul is free from measuring up because My Son already measured up by overturning the scales of sin and shame. When you fall short or fall down, His robe of righteousness remains on you—like a coat of many colors, reflecting My delight in you.
Read the rest of this love letter to the hard-working woman, over on Michelle Nietert’s blog.
Tomorrow is a big day! It’s the one-year anniversary of my book, Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done releasing into the world. As part of the celebration, a dear friend and I are launching an exciting new resource, designed to help you get things done, while having fun.
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