I am energized by being alone… being creative, or resting, or thinking- that is what refreshes me. Reading the Word, journaling, brainstorming; quiet surroundings- I like that. Now don’t get me wrong, I love people and like to spend time with people, and can be a loud person too. My…
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His love endures…
I am NOT very cordial when I am woken up in the night. I think I must be a light sleeper and I get down right rude when I am awakened. I know I need to work on this! If the kids get up in the night they usually go…
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Do not grow weary…
Today, I give thanks. With the cold outside, the waiting inside; the beauty there standing tall in midst of gray- new life, questions, hope, mystery. Choosing to embrace the journey of today even when I want to retreat. The feet, one in front of the other, deep breath (breathe in…
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Christ Arose!
She wanted to play the bells today in church with the other kids…she was invited to do so; yes! He wanted a chocolate bunny…and that was what they had at church for a gift for the kids; yes! He didn’t have an Easter basket of his own…and guess what…
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Good Friday
May today be filled with gratitude, awe, and reference for Christ who gave all to pay the price for our sins- that we could be reconciled to the Father; if we choose. Today I read Revelation 20 to the kids- the part where Satan (the dragon, the serpent of old)…
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So the other night when we were driving home I realized, more clearly than normal, that I had gotten too lazing with my parenting. Part of this revelation was due to a story I heard of a friend of ours who’s kids all hold on to her shopping cart while…
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