Team Martha: Book Launch Resources
Dear Team Martha Member:
We are so grateful that you chosen to help get the word out about Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done. You have an important role in this book launching process, and we are looking forward to a great time together!
Below you will find all sorts of information to help you share this message of Good News. Let’s get things done! 🙂
Book Synopsis:
Are you a Martha who feels guilty for not being a Mary?

Disclaimer: Affiliate link
Do you want to sit at Jesus’s feet as Mary did —but you feel the need to get things done. In Made Like Martha, Katie M. Reid invites you to exchange try-hard striving for hope-filled freedom without abandoning your doer’s heart in the process.
With reflection questions, “It Is Finished” activities at the end of each chapter, and a five-week Bible study included, Made Like Martha helps you find rest from striving even as you celebrate your God-given design to “do.”
Made Like Martha makes for a great book club and/or bible study. Consider sharing information about the book with the Women’s Ministry Director at your church.
Book Promo Video:
Sharing this video is a great way to get the word out about Made Like Martha. It helps if you include a brief intro or a reason why you’re excited for this book when you share the link.
Katie’s social media links:
Please like, follow, subscribe, comment on Katie’s social media accounts. This is an easy way to increase engagement so more people can experience this message of grace and freedom. Consider sharing and inviting your friends to like Katie’s Author Facebook Page.
Access the Media Kit with Q&A below:
(Q&A included at the end of Media Kit)
Click to Share these Tweets:
Your to-do list has value but it does not determine your value. -Katie M. Reid #MadeLikeMartha Share on X Grace is a gift to be received not a prize to be earned. -Katie M. Reid #MadeLikeMartha Share on X In our scrolling to see what we have missed, we’ve overlooked what we already have. -Katie M. Reid #MadeLikeMartha Share on X Jesus loves you—even when you are short-fused, whether or not you have a quiet time, even in the midst of tackling your to-do list. -Katie M. Reid #MadeLikeMartha Share on X We starve worry when we feast on worship. -Katie M. Reid #MadeLikeMartha Share on X The belief that productivity equals value is like kryptonite for Modern Marthas. -Katie M. Reid #MadeLikeMartha Share on XSuggested Facebook Posts:
Jesus loves you—even when you are short-fused, whether or not you have a quiet time, even in the midst of tackling your to-do list. While there are definitely good works for us to do, God’s love is not dependent on how well we behave or perform. His love was settled on the cross because of what Jesus did, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” -Romans 5:8. Do you believe this? #madelikemartha
You don’t have to wear yourself out in order to prove your worth. You don’t have to say yes to every opportunity you or grab hold of every idea you scroll past. You can rest within, knowing that your works are not the motivation for His love, nor your mistakes cause for His love to be withheld. Isn’t this such good news? #madelikemartha
Correction does not equal rejection. Just because you make a mistake doesn’t mean you are a mistake. And pointing out one behavior to improve on is not the same as criticizing the totality of who you are. But for centuries, we have not extended this same grace to biblical Martha and those who are made like her. Have you bought into the lie that Martha’s temperament was inferior to Mary’s? #madelikemartha
Pin or Download and Share These Images:
Pin or Download and Share These Endorsements:

Reviews & Giveaway Information:
As soon as you finish Made Like Martha, please post a review on GoodReads. On July 10th, cut and paste your GoodReads review and post it on,, B&N, and/or anywhere else you post reviews.
Don’t forget about the FTC regulation requiring bloggers to disclose whether or not they’ve been given free product. This only applies if you have not pre-ordered a copy of the book. *
If you have signed up** to host a giveaway for a free copy of Made Like Martha on your blog, please do so between July 10th-July 17th! You may offer, in the form of a giveaway, one copy of Made Like Martha to your readers (**sign-up on the Blog Tour doc, in the launch team FB group, only 75 giveaway copies available).
Some tips for hosting the giveaway are:
- Giveaways with the greatest participation are easy to enter and don’t require much more than a comment.
- 24 hours to 2 days seems to be a great time to offer the giveaway since the urgency motivates them to enter right away.
- As soon as you receive the mailing information from the winner, email it to us so we can get their book out to them in a timely manner (details below).
We recommend using Rafflecopter for free to randomly select a winner. The entry options are up to you, but we would appreciate it if you would encourage your readers to like, follow, and share Katie’s info and book page.
Please run your giveaways between July 10-17th. When you’ve chosen a winner, please send their name and email address to (Subject: MLM Winner) no later than July 23rd. We will provide this information to WaterBrook, and all winners’ books will be mailed by the last week of July.
*Please remember to disclose in your post that you received a copy of Made Like Martha for free in exchange for your review and participation, IF you didn’t pre-order: “I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher.”
If you pre-ordered a copy of the book on your own before/aside from receiving your launch team copy, then you do not have to include this sentence. If you write the review after you have received your order, it will automatically show up as a “Verified Purchase” on Amazon and may even be shown higher in the list of reviews.
Original and Pre-written Blog Posts:
We encourage you to write an original blog post or a book review style post about Made Like Martha (see writing prompt section below for ideas***). However, we understand that life gets busy, so if you are unable to write an original post, here are some pre-written blog posts available for your use as part of the Blog Tour. If you choose a pre-written post, include a brief introduction in your own words to open up and close the guest post.
See the Media Kit link for a Q&A with Katie as well as additional information for your posts. Feel free to choose 5-6 of the Q&A’s to use for an interview-style post.
When you have selected the post of your choice, (original post, book review style, interview, or pre-written) please add the following info in the Blog Tour file on the Launch Team Facebook group: (1) the title of your post, (2) the date it will publish on your website or blog, and (3) a link to your site. (4) if you will be hosting a book giveaway. This will help others plan, as well as allow everyone a chance to promote all the posts.
Each link below contains an article, bio, suggested tweets, and suggested Facebook posts. Please add an introduction, graphic, book cover image, and Katie’s headshot to the post (and remove the suggested tweets and Facebook posts before publishing your blog post).
Is Jesus Company to Impress or Family to Enjoy?
The Secret to a Good Soul Cleaning
Sabbath Rest for Those Who Gets Things Done
Dear Modern Martha: You are a Daughter Not a Slave
***Writing Prompts:
- Have you felt guilty for being more like Martha than Mary? Why do you think this is? How has Made Like Martha helped you embrace your design as a doer?
- If you are more like Mary than Martha, how has Made Like Martha helped you understand and extend grace to those who are wired like Martha?
- What statements resonate with you in the Hired-Help Mentality Assessment and the Beloved Daughter’s Mentality Assessment? What is a key truth from Scripture or a key statement from Made Like Martha that is helping you move from a hired-help mentality to a beloved daughter’s mentality?
- Tell about a time when you wore yourself out in an effort to prove your worth. What were the circumstances surrounding the situation? How did things turn out? What did you learn in the process? Consider using a key statement from Made Like Martha in your post.
- What is your response to this quote, from Chapter 10 in Made Like Martha, “You are just as close to God when you’re sitting quietly as when you are scrubbing vigorously. Why? Because Jesus’s love has already been proven. So we can stop trying to prove ourselves, whether through sitting at His feet or through serving. Sitting and serving are both necessary, but not to achieve the approval that already has been given through Christ.”
- Do you struggle with rest? Why do you think this is? What are some strategies you have implemented to help you rest more fully? What is your favorite way to rest? What is your reaction to this statement, from Chapter 8 of Made Like Martha, “As we realize that grace trumps law in the area of rest as well, we begin to see that possibilities and not the limitations, the joy and not the duty of it.”
- Do you expect perfection from yourself and others? Tell about your experience with perfectionism and how it has hindered you from walking in freedom. How does Christ’s perfection help liberate you? Chapter 7 in Made Like Martha talks about how perfectionism “actually represents a false view of self and a skewed view of the Savior.” What is your response to this? Where does grace come in?